MP leaned back, smoked a “pucho” and listened to music in the middle of the session | the Chronicle


Another role of an MP is the news in the world. In the past few hours, an Estonian parliamentarian has been the star of a real scandal in the middle of the parliamentary session when the camera captured him lying on his bed, smoking and listening to music. It is Tarmo Kruusimae, representative of the Isamaa party, who in addition to not answering when they called him, preferred to release steam from his mouth in front of the computer.

A few minutes earlier, the MP had expressed his intention to hold a consultation, but the Deputy Speaker of the House had asked him to wait his turn. “It seems he doesn’t want to. Let’s move on to the next one.”, He said Martin helme when he gave her the floor and got no response.

This very week, Canadian MP walked out naked in virtual session of Parliament and should have apologized. William amos, a member of the Liberal Party of Canada, explained that his camera accidentally turned on while he was putting on his work clothes after returning from training.

“I made a very unfortunate mistake today and I’m obviously embarrassed about it. My camera was left on by accident. putting on my work clothes after running. I offer my sincere apologies to all my colleagues in the House.. It was an honest mistake and it will not happen again “the official tweeted.

A similar scandal rocked MPs in Argentina in 2020 when Juan Ameri appeared on camera kissing his wife’s private parts. Although this was a mistake, he faced a suspension and a complaint for “breach of the duties of a public official” and “obscene exhibitions”.


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