Israeli government celebrated with video the end of the requirement to wear masks outdoors


State of Israel celebrated end of masks outdoors

The government of Israel has released an official video to celebrate the end of the compulsory use of outdoor masks, thus being one of the first countries to return to near-normality.

The decision was taken by the Minister of Health, Yuli Edelstein, after several weeks of debate, local media reported. Given the low rate of COVID-19 infections, a consequence of the rapid and effective vaccination plan, the risk of contracting the virus in open areas is very limitedthe experts agreed. Even like that, Health stressed that the use of a mask indoors will remain mandatory, since the risk of infection in these settings is higher.

In addition, all primary and secondary courses returned to classrooms this Sunday, leaving aside the capsule system.

According to the authorities, if a positive case of a pupil or teacher is detected, all pupils and teachers in their course at the school will be tested, and only after that all these evaluations will be negative. that they can return to school. school. However, they will not have to isolate themselves if they were in contact with the infected individual.

    REUTERS / Amir Cohen
REUTERS / Amir Cohen

According to the latest data from Our World in Data, updated April 18, 61.83% had already received the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and 57.51% had already received both requests. There are already voices being encouraged to say that Israel may be on the verge of obtaining collective immunity from COVID-19.

The percentage of people who need to be immunized to gain herd immunity varies with each disease, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). For example, herd immunity to measles requires that about 95% of the population be vaccinated and the remaining 5% will be protected by the fact that the disease does not spread among those vaccinated. For polio, the threshold is around 80%.

If the proportion of the population that must be vaccinated against COVID-19 to talk about herd immunity is still unknown, they observe from the WHO, different estimates speak, at least, between 65% and 70%.


In Israel, the use of outdoor masks is no longer compulsory and all schools have reopened
Israel has the fewest coronavirus patients in severe condition since July last year: 193

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