Alfredo Leuco: “The president was pathetic when he said” to me, rebellion, no “”


In the editorial of your show Leuco’s Journal, Alfredo Leuco refers to the conflict over the suspension of face-to-face classes that was generated between the presidency of the nation, which established the closure of schools for 15 days and the city government of Buenos Aires, which by the courts rejected this measure.

At first, the journalist targeted the leader of the teachers’ union, Roberto Baradel, who in a tweet said: “Patricia Bullrich, you are still on the side of death. Listening to you, Macri, Larreta and Vidal talk about public education is like listening to Videla talk about human rights ”.

Baradel attacked Bullrich on Twitter.
Baradel attacked Bullrich on Twitter.

“Once again Baradel in his profound ignorance, his authoritarianism and his pathotism, not satisfied with harming the students, now empty of content what Videla means», Started Leuco. “Comparing the democratic leaders who won the elections by vote does not offend María Eugenia Vidal, Rodríguez Larreta or Patricia Bullrich, it offends the victims of the military dictatorship,” he said.

Later, Leuco underlined: “Hugo Yasky and Baradel are to public education what Hugo Moyano is to private activity. And I want to believe that the democratic men who exist within Peronism will repudiate it. “He then spoke with himself as the axis:” With all the criticisms I make of Cristina Kirchner, Alberto Fernández, would I think of comparing him to Videla? “

And to complete his repudiation of Baradel’s words, he assured: “They do not represent teachers, indeed, teachers fear them. And they walk in the transa to see which adviser they place, which deputy they put ”.

“Mom’s rebellion”

Regarding face-to-face lessons, the journalist stressed that the opening of classrooms in the City was a consequence “The rebellion of the mamis” and that the president himself Alberto Fernandez It was he who provoked this reaction when he was “pathetic” when he underlined in his speech: “Not me, the rebellion”.

“The rebellion of mothers gave the government a real political beating from the Fernández ”, began Leuco. Armed only with common sense, love for the education of their children and their mobile phones, they conquered authoritarian fanaticism at all levels ”.

El Diario de Leuco – April 19, 2021

“In the street with spontaneous mobilizations, without partisan shirts, on social networks with precise data and ironic memes and in the justice he ordered (Horacio) Rodriguez Larreta to open schools, ”added the driver of LN +.

Next, the reporter referred to the president’s attitude in his speech last Friday, after meeting with the Head of government porteño. “Alberto was pathetic when he moved his finger like a windshield and said, ‘For me rebellion, no. “And that is precisely what he achieved: a peaceful family rebellion“, He said.

Fernández wrecked at worst time of worst government since democracy began. They made you a machine for making direct mistakes. The formal president is being pushed towards an institutional cliff by the most radicalized and useless Christianity ”, condemned the driver of Leuco’s Journal.

Later the reporter reflected on what this meant to him government the reopening of classrooms in the city: “The dimension of the political defeat at the hands of the groups of WhatsApp mothers of the schools suffered by the Fernández was very deep.”

Regarding relations between the national executive and the head of government of Buenos Aires, Leuco said: “They harassed and punished both Horacio Rodríguez Larreta it forced him to take on a different kind of leadership. They have achieved the opposite objective as many times as they were looking for ”.

Alberto He challenged those who disagreed with his untenable decisions to go to court. And they went to court. Every time more people choose civilization over barbarism in tribute to Sarmiento», He concluded.

Mom’s rebellion gave the government the Fernandez a real political beating. Armed only with common sense, love for their children’s education and a cell phone, they defeated authoritarian fanaticism at all levels. In the street with spontaneous mobilizations without partisan shirts, on social networks with precise data and ironic memes and in the justice which ordered him to Rodriguez Larreta open schools.

As never in history, mothers and fathers decided to organize themselves and be active citizens in the defense of the intellectual formation of their children. Sitting, horns, cacerolazos, hugs to schools, flags and the hymn as a harangue.

They bet, like their parents and grandparents, on the merit they despise so much Cristina and her Taliban.

There is a photo that sums it all up. In the Obelisk, a pregnant woman, with a chin strap and courage, lifted her shirt to show her turgid stomach. On his skin was written in thick lines: “Alberto, education is my future, open schools ”.

Alberto was pathetic when he moved his finger like a windshield and said “For me, rebellion, no. Hey “. And that is precisely what he achieved. A peaceful and family rebellion.

Fernandez it is wrecked in the worst time of the worst government since the beginning of democracy. They made it a machine for making direct mistakes. The formal president is being pushed over an institutional cliff by the most radicalized and unnecessary Christianity.

He attacked the doctors, the opposition, Larreta, to boys swapping masks, to children with special abilities, to doctors, to journalists of course and has been covered by thousands of criticisms and rejections.

Alberto and Cristina have remained on the side of reactionary obscurantism. They fill their mouths with an empty and revolutionary sanata and, unusually, they attack those who defend freedom, work and education.

Axel Kicillof threatened to cancel assessments and withdraw grants from schools in the province that dared to commit the crime of opening their classrooms. How do you call this? Leftist fascism.

Carlos Zannini, the vaccine trafficker who hijacked a public document because he had registered as a health worker, made a presentation to overturn the decision in favor of face to face education of justice. What moral authority does he have Zannini? Nothing. He didn’t stop because he has a steel face.

The Minister Martin Soria, said the Buenos Aires court decision was a fool. Her colleague, Sabina Fréderic, another self-perceived but directionless progressive woman, launched a tweet in which she called the idea of ​​going back to school as “genocide”. The injury of the victims of the real genocides, who had to delete the tweet and apologize.

Hugo Yasky, Roberto Baradel and the most Christian and radical union leaders have called a strike, which is almost the only thing they know how to do. They never want to teach. They prefer the political thread to get jobs as advisers or MPs. All the excuses they gave were taken into account. They wanted safe protocols and mechanisms in place that produced virtually no infection in schools.

Then they requested vaccines when the health workers were not yet fully immunized and received them. Now vaccinated and all, they declare a strike without consulting the bases and without realizing that 60% of teachers are not affiliated with unions because they do not feel represented.

They destroyed public education to defend their privileges and their fifths and degraded the sacred domain of knowledge. I have already told you that Yasky and Baradel are to public education what Los Moyano are to private activity. Some companies block trucks and others block classrooms with their intolerance.

The president himself, who speaks all the time, denounced that the Buenos Aires court had committed “legal prejudice”.

But the most authoritarian was Aníbal Fernández who dared to ask the national government to intervene in the city’s judicial system. A Chavist illusion which would produce a citizen rebellion on a larger scale.

One more time, I with his pencil and his creativity, he defined everything. A journalist asks Alberto: “Why are schools closing? What is the tension you want to eliminate? “. And Alberto says “that people know”, with “that”. And Gaturro concludes: “Education is the vaccine, but the virus of ignorance is fine for them.”

Instead of extending rights as they claim, they are doing the opposite. The only thing that comes to mind is to deny the right to vote to Argentines living abroad and to trap the information, work and education of the public. More backslid than that, you can’t get it.

The dimension of the political defeat at the hands of the WhatsApp mothers’ groups of the schools suffered by the Fernández was very deep. Even the intention to crush Rodríguez Larreta backfired.

All surveys certify the growth of Larreta and Patricia Bullrich, among others. And the most important figures of the party in power exceed the 60% negative image. I’m talking about Cristina, Kicillof and Alberto, in that order.

Even the phrase most deeply rooted in the collective memory of these days was coined by Larreta: “The most dangerous class is the closed class”.

It is no accident that even the Peronist governors did not buy Fernández’s unreason. Only La Rioja, Catamarca and Formosa they will keep the classrooms closed. They are among the three districts most in need of training their children and young people. But there is a feudal Peronism which subjects the inhabitants to favoritism.

For several days, the journalist Diego Cabot wrote that “There is a smell of 125 education”. Today, social media produces protest rallies faster than the heavy mercenary structure of the unions. Technology democratizes and makes the participation of independent citizens more horizontal and massive. They harassed and punished both Horacio Rodríguez Larreta it forced him to take on a different kind of leadership. They achieved, like so many times, the opposite goal they sought. Alberto challenged those who disagreed with his untenable decisions to go to court. And they went to court. More and more people are choosing civilization over barbarism as a tribute to Sarmiento. I recently told him two things:

What Alberto he was isolated in every sense of the word, like a bad maniac, as he said himself. And that he has lost his political nose. I even appealed to a phrase from Tierno Galván, the former Spanish socialist mayor: “Power is like an explosive, or it is handled with care or it explodes”. Anyone who wants to hear, let it be heard.


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