Bolsonaro says the Brazilian people deserve to suffer if they elect Lula’s president in 2022 – Telam


The Brazilian president said that the "people get used to the benefits" by attacking the social plans of the governments of the Lula Workers' Party.

The Brazilian president said that “the people are getting used to the benefits” by attacking the social plans of the governments of Lula’s Workers’ Party.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, whose government will begin to come under Senate investigation for its actions in the pandemic, said Monday that “the people deserve to suffer” in case they vote for it. former President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva as Head of State in the 2022 elections.

Bolsonaro again criticized mayors who ordered quarantines to prevent hospital collapse due to coronavirus, I plan that this month I will join a new political party and that the fastest way to change the state of affairs is a “dictatorship”, something that I specify that I will not impose.

“For god’s sake, people who casually vote for Lula deserve to suffer,” Bolsonaro told supporters, defeating the decision by eight to three votes from members of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) which overturned the penalties pronounced against the first. president (2003-2010), who also revoked the ban on running for office.

“It was an eight against three, perform as you want”, Bolsonaro said, without wearing a mask next to an evangelical pastor and a Catholic priest, at the door of the Palacio de la Alvorada, the presidential residence.

The president said that “the people are getting used to the benefits” by attacking the social plans of the Lula Workers’ Party governments, and defended “meritocracy”, although he made it clear that it is ” difficult to apply.

Bolsonaro was elected in 2018 while Lula was in prison in the context of Operation Lava Jato for a conviction handed down by then-judge Srgio Moro, then Minister of Justice of Bolsonaro, Chamber II of the Supreme Court ruled that Moro’s action was partial.

Bolsonaro he attacked the mayor of Belo Horizonte, Alexandre Kalil, for having been “reelected despite the defense of quarantine” with over 80% of the vote last year.

They call me genocidal, but look for quarantine damage, a generation without school, people dying of depression, of economic bankruptcy, ”he said.

The president said that he hopes to be re-elected in 2022 with “the auditable vote to really change Brazil”, by stirring up the ghosts of the far right in the face of never-before-seen problems in the electronic ballot boxes that have been operating in Brazil since 1998.

Bolsonaro said the next president from 2023 will be able to appoint two STF members.


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