Which countries produce coronavirus vaccines | …


The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) announced on Tuesday that the pharmaceutical company Richmond Sacif Laboratories produces the first batch of Russian vaccine against the Sputnik V coronavirus in the Argentina, with large-scale local production slated for June, the country joins the shortlist of producers of covid-19 vaccines.

The laboratories that are currently developing vaccines to fight the coronavirus are different. According to a study by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the potential vaccine manufacturing capacity is concentrated in emerging high income countries.

In this regard, the report produced analyzes the fundamental role played by international trade in the face of this pandemic, because not all countries are able to produce vaccines.

From the international organization, they detailed that vaccine manufacturing is a “sophisticated process” requiring access to “specialized” equipment and goods, as well as storage facilities and a “highly skilled” workforce, which is why it is concentrated in a few countries.

In this sense, a document published by the scientific analysis company Airfinity shows that up to the beginning of March of this year, 413 million doses were produced worldwide. The largest number of doses came from China, with nearly 142 million, while United States exceeded 100 million doses produced.

In the case of the European Union, countries like Germany, Belgium and Holland together produces more than 81 million doses, while the second most populous country in the world, India, has provided more than 42 million doses to date.

The list is finished UK, with more than 12 million doses, Russia with more than 10 million, Swiss with over 5 million and South Korea with a little over a million and a half. On a smaller scale, Brazil provided 200 thousand and South Africa 160 thousand doses.

The production of each vaccine

The company with the most vaccines produced to date is Pfizer, with more than 119 million doses manufactured. Follow it Sinovac with 91 million; AstraZeneca with 83 million; Modern with 61 million; Sinopharm with 38 million and the Sputnik V with 10 million.

The vaccine Pfizer It is manufactured and assembled in several parts in different parts of the world: the antigen is made in Saint Louis (Missouri), the mRNA is produced in Andover (Massachusetts) and the assembly is distributed between Kalamazoo (Michigan) and Puurs ( Belgium). A few weeks ago, the pharmaceutical company integrated the Marburg plant (Germany) into its circuit in an attempt to increase its production capacity.

For its part, the firm that is developing the vaccine Modern It has only three factories specializing in the production of antigens: one in Portsmouth (New Hampshire), one in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) and another in Basel (Switzerland). It also has two more specialized finishing plants; one located in Madrid and another in Bloomington (Indiana).

Vaccines designed by AstraZeneca Yes Oxford They are produced in 25 factories in 15 countries around the world. The main producer to date is the Serum Institute of India; one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world. The European manufacturing circuit involves the manufacture of the active substance in the Netherlands and Belgium and ends with the packaging of the vaccine in Italy.

Janssen, In turn, she is working on manufacturing her vaccine, which is expected to begin distribution in April, to factories in the United States, Belgium and Germany.


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