Cannibal murdered his mother, chopped her up, ate her and put chunks in a tupperware to give the dog the chronicle


This Tuesday began the trial to whom in Spain they are calling “Cannibal auction“or the”cannibal tupperware“, at the Provincial Court of Madrid. Alberto Sánchez Gómez, 28, faces a request from the prosecution for 15 years in prison for killing his mother. In addition, they are claiming another five months for desecrating his body.

Two years ago, this man murdered María Soledad Gómez, 69.. But as if that wasn’t enough, then he dismembered his mother’s body to pieces very small“, Y ate most of them. The remaining pieces were reportedly given to his dog, he said.

Alberto Sánchez Gómez, with his dog, which he allegedly fed with parts of the body of his murdered mother. (Instagram)

Last Monday, the accused attended the jury’s training and according to local media such as El País, he was seen “calm“And without provoking”no altercation“, According to information provided by a person who was present in the room.

The public prosecutor takes as worsens the relationship with his victim and also claims compensation of 90,000 euros for his older brother.

Sánchez Gómez was detained on February 23, 2019. It was a friend of her mother’s who had reported her missing. Two police officers reported to the woman’s home in the Ventas district of Madrid. When the murderer opened the door, they found the corpse in pieces, part in the house and part in the refrigerator.

Alberto Sánchez Gómez he had been denounced several times for ill-treatment by his mother before his death. (Instagram)

His mother, María Soledad Gómez, who was a widow, had already denounced her son for abuse 12 times before his death.

The prosecutor’s office reports in a letter that the man after a fight, attacked his mother. After strangling her to death, he carried the body into the bedroom, laid it on the bed, and dismembered it with a carpenter’s saw and two kitchen knives he had in the house. At that time, the defendant was 26 years old.

Sánchez Gómez is the one who confessed to the agents of the national police that he kept the remains of the body to be eaten by himself and his dog. He kept them for 15 days in tuppers that he kept in his refrigerator and on the floor. In addition, the police found human remains in a black bag in room d. trash can in the building where he lived with his mother.

The trial of the cannibal who ate his mother

Alberto Gómez Sánchez stated at trial that ”
he heard voices in his head“(Courtesy of the country)

According to local media, on Tuesday, the accused said during the trial that “he heard voices in his head“And who listened”hidden messagesIt came off the television.

The 28-year-old He also said he did not recall dismembering his mother or consuming any parts of her body.

This murder caused great unrest in Spain. Sánchez Gómez has been nicknamed “Cannibal auction“, for the neighborhood where he lived with his mother and”the cannibal in the tupperware”Due to the methodology used to preserve the remains of the victim’s body.

VIDEO: This is Alberto Sánchez Gómez, the “tupperware cannibal”


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