WHO has spoken out against immunity passports: “they can exacerbate inequalities and promote differentiated freedom”


As anti-Covid passports advance around the world, a WHO expert committee has said it
As anti-Covid passports advance around the world, a WHO expert committee has said it “urges states parties to recognize that the requirement for proof of vaccination may exacerbate inequalities and promote a differentiated freedom of movement ”.

The World Health Organization (WHO) Emergency Committee on the Pandemic he spoke out against the introduction of a compulsory vaccination passport for international travelers.

While a “green pass” is advancing in Brussels, the agency’s experts based this decision on “The rare [aunque creciente] evidence of reduced transmission “ and “given the persistent inequality in the global distribution of vaccines”.

The data speaks volumes. Fifteen countries in the world have not started to vaccinate, the majority in Africa (Tanzania, Madagascar, Burkina Faso or Burundi). These countries concentrate around 2.5% of the world’s population.

Based on this inequality, the committee stated that << Encourage vivement les États parties à reconnaître que l'exigence d'une preuve de vaccination peut exacerber les inégalités et promouvoir une liberté de circulation différenciée >>

European partners are making progress in implementing a health passport for travel, but also for other activities, although this idea raises concerns both for possible discrimination and for doubts about the protection of private data, a situation described by the WHO committee.

Promise of a return to normal life or unfair measure? This is the question surrounding the proposal for this tool.

Besides the European Union (EU), which even plans its implementation by June, China has already launched its version, while airlines are also working with similar ideas. In the United States, the White House said in early April that it would not impose a health passport, although it allowed the private sector to move towards the idea.

France and Denmark, similar and different.

France yesterday became the first EU country to adopt the model of electronic certification of screening tests and vaccination declaration against Covid-19, anticipating the community resolutions of the European Commission, paving the way for the extension of ‘a full health passport before the start of summer.

The French government has implemented since Monday in its application "AllAntiCovid" a digital code to accredit a PCR test, a requirement to be able to travel and cross borders.
The French government has set up since Monday in its application “TousAntiCovid” a digital code to accredit a PCR test, a requirement to be able to travel and cross borders.

For the moment, the test which is limited to the control of certain flights to Corsica, then abroad, was presented by the Secretary of State in charge of the digital transition of France, Cédric O. The person in charge has announced that the use could be extended to other situations. .of these authenticated documents. The government is debating within Emmanuel Macron’s cabinet of ministers, whether this electronic pass would be used for access to “concerts, festivals, events”, even if it would not be extended to restaurants, bars or halls sport.

Application “TousAntiCovid” It was updated on Monday to include a section that allows French people to certify the positive or negative result of a COVID-19 test or, ultimately, to certify their vaccination status. “For the moment, there is no new obligation, but a new functionality to simplify the crossing of the borders”, explained the person in charge.

On the other hand, in Denmark, it has set up a similar device, which, for the moment, is limited to hairdressing salons, but which should soon be extended to bars, restaurants, cultural institutions and sporting events.

The tool, a digital application that you can have on your mobile phone, documents when you have been vaccinated. “It’s about knowing that as a country we are taking advantage of the digital advantages that we have”, Acting Finance Minister Morten Bødskov explained.

For the authorities, this type of device adds another key objective: fight against possible certificate fraud. In recent months, the fabrication of false evidence has grown to circumvent the rules, for example at border crossings.

Specifically, security forces will be able to verify the certification of your anti-covid test by scanning the QR code. These certified tests have two advantages: tamper resistance and read speed.


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