Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on April 21 | Made…


In April 21 anniversary These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1967. Coup d’état in Greece. A group of colonels attack the power in what means the eruption of the first dictatorship in Western Europe since the end of the Second war. The so-called dictatorship of the colonels is made of the government before the elections which favored the former Prime Minister Yorgos Papandreu. The military regime of Georgios Papadópoulos is characterized by the restriction of civil liberties and the persecution of opponents. The de facto government lasted until 1974, when the Cypriot crisis, marked by the Turkish invasion of the island, crumbled the regime and led to the establishment of a republic. The dictatorship was denounced in the film WITH, by Costa-Gavras.

1985. Tancredo Neves dies at the age of 75. President-elect of Brazil, he prevailed in the elections which ended the dictatorship that began in 1964. An infection forced him to operate and he did not take office on March 15. His agony spanned a month: seven operations in 38 days. He is buried with the honors of the president, although he was not sworn in. Vice-President José Sarney took over the executive power until 1990.

1994. One of the great plastic artists of Argentina dies: Raúl Soldi. He was 89 years old. He painted in the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth and was a stage designer in countless films. For thirty years he devoted himself spacedly to painting frescoes in the Church of Santa Ana, in the town of Glew. In addition, he was responsible for painting the dome of the Teatro Colón.

2005. Spain approves same-sex marriage. The law promoted by the socialist government provides for adoption for same-sex couples. The news surprises: Spain is one of the countries that weighs the most in the Church and the law is sanctioned 48 hours after the election of Pope Benedict XVI.

2010. At the age of 89, the strongman of sport died in the last decades of the 20th century: Juan Alberto Samaranch. Official of the Franco dictatorship, after Franco’s death he was appointed Ambassador to the USSR. By then, he was already climbing up positions on the International Olympic Committee. He took over the presidency in 1980 and remained in office until 2001. Under his orders, the IOC underwent a profound transformation: the Olympic Games became a billion dollar affair, far from the amateurism proclaimed at the end of the Nineteenth century.

2016. Prince dies at 56. Accidental overdose of fentanyl ends the life of one born as Prince Rogers Nelson, who in the 90s changed his name to an unintelligible sign (for which he became known as the artist before known as prince), and was one of the most influential musicians. . Eclectic, it spans several genres. It was consecrated in 1984 with Purple rain, disc of the soundtrack of the homonymous film, for which he won an Oscar.

In addition, it is the National Day of Health and Safety at Work.


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