Map of coronavirus in Mexico April 20: shadow of third epidemic stalks country amid increase in infections in 10 states


(Graphic: Jovani Pérez)
(Graphic: Jovani Pérez)

With 127 new deaths and 1308 infections recorded in the last 24 hours, Mexico reached a total of 212,466 deaths and 2,306,910 infections accumulated by COVID-19, according to the Federal Ministry of Health.

After 11 consecutive weeks of rest, the doctor José Luis Alomy Zegarra, Director General of Epidemiology, explained that the country had an increase in positive cases, because between the weeks 13 and 14 there was an increase of 4% the number of COVID-19 infections nationwide. It should be noted that this Sunday began the epidemiological week number 16.

In this sense, he warned of the increase in COVID-19 cases in 10 entities of the country: Baja California Sur (amber light); Chihuahua (Orange); Mexico (Orange); Colima (yellow); Durango (yellow); State of Mexico (Orange); Morelos (yellow); Nayarit (verde); Quintana roo (yellow); Yes Tlaxcala (yellow).

Alomía Zegarra considers this to be the effect of the relaxation of sanitary protocols during the Easter holidays, although he assured that the upward trend could still be stopped, because there is still no significant change in the occupancy rate of hospitals in these entities.

(Graphic: Jovani Pérez)
(Graphic: Jovani Pérez)

While this morning Jorge Alcocer, Secretary of Health, estimated that this increase This is not an emergency, but a “slight upward trend that needs to be addressed.”

On the other hand, the epidemic at the national level consists of 25201 active cases who started with signs and symptoms in the last 14 days (April 4 to 19, 2021), which, if they do not comply with all sanitary measures, could potentially contribute to the transmission of the virus.

According to the technical document published on the website of the health agency, the Mexico is the entity with the highest number of active cases (more than 3000 cases), followed by State of Mexico (more than 1000) and Chihuahua (over 900). In contrast, Nayarit, Chiapas and Campeche have the lowest number of such infections: 117, 93 and 52 active cases, respectively.

The colors of the epidemiological fire which will be in force until April 26 are: no state in color “red“(Maximum risk); in color”verde“(Low risk) eight entities remain: Nuevo León, Oaxaca, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Nayarit, Chiapas and Campeche.

(Graphic: Jovani Pérez)
(Graphic: Jovani Pérez)

At “yellow»(Moderate risk), 19 entities: Jalisco, Puebla, Querétaro, Hidalgo, Michoacán, Baja California, Sonora, Sinaloa, Durango, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Colima, Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Tlaxcala, Morelos, Quintana Roo and Tabana ; and in “Orange”(High risk) only five: Mexico City, State of Mexico, Chihuahua, Yucatán and Baja California Sur.

COVID-19 hospitalizations

The specialist spoke about the number of hospitalizations in the country, currently there is a national occupation of the 16%.

Of the 30,752 general beds for patients with severe COVID-19 requiring hospitalization, 4,519 (15%) are employed nationwide. According to the health agency, to date, all entities in the country have an occupancy rate of less than 30%.

Meanwhile, of the 10,236 beds with mechanical ventilators for the most critical COVID-19 patients, 1,844 (18%) are employed in the country. Here it has been reported that Chihuahua and Tabasco they have an occupancy rate of between 30% and 49% occupancy, and the rest of the entities have a lower occupancy rate.

(Graphic: Jovani Pérez)
(Graphic: Jovani Pérez)

Progress of the national vaccination plan

The Under-Secretary for Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell, He said that since the reduction yesterday afternoon, a total of 127,244 doses had been applied across the country.

However, to cut the 9:00 p.m. on April 18, a total of 3 927 307 people with the full immunization schedule. The accumulated dose advance is 14 368 074 drugs applied since December 2020.

Dr López-Gatell pointed out that 939 960 people in the health sector already have a certain amount of antigen; 150,002 to have half-diets while 789 958 already have the complete diagram.

Vaccinated educational staff are 22 934 of which 5,307 have half of the drug supply and 17,627 already have the complete diagram.

About the group adult adults, 10,290,867 have already been vaccinated; 7,171,145 have the first dose and 3,119,722 have both doses.

(Graphic: Jovani Pérez)
(Graphic: Jovani Pérez)


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