IAPA denounced “attacks on journalists and attacks on media” in Argentina


The Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) released its report on attacks on journalistic activity (Photo: EFE)
The Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) released its report on attacks on journalistic activity (Photo: EFE)

The Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) published a report in which he denounces “attacks on journalists and attacks on the media“So far this year in Argentina, among them, the” significant restrictions on press freedom during this period “carried out by the government of Formosa.

The report also states that “judicial harassment with the intention of criminalizing journalistic work“For which he gives an example to journalists Daniel Santoro, Diego Cabot e Irene benito.

Unfounded complaints from sectors linked to power or from judges aligned with Kirchnerism they promote causes to criminalize journalistic work or neutralize investigations, ”said the trade organization.

The text takes up the situation experienced in the northern province of Formosa where, it is said, there has been “excessive circulation restrictions, preventing entry of the press to the province and local journalists, coverage of human rights violations in isolation centers due to COVID-19 was limited. “

The mention recalls what happened on March 5, when a public demonstration against the traffic restrictions ended with a police repression, where the police injured a journalist with rubber bullets and arbitrarily detained another for several hours.

Journalist Daniel Santoro, one of the cases cited by IAPA in its report
Journalist Daniel Santoro, one of the cases cited by IAPA in its report

The IAPA referred to the process of “law– The mechanism known as the use of the judiciary to interfere in political life – denounced by Argentine leaders such as Vice-President Cristina Kirchner. On this point, the entity expressed its unease because “under this argument of press and justice collusion, a seminar on the “ media war ” was organized at the University of Buenos Aires, with the participation – example of a victim of the law – of a former vice-president convicted of corruption ”, concerning the presence of Amado Boudou at the academic meeting.

In addition, the organization criticized the “creation of a state media observatory in the province of Santa Cruz, with a nature and objectives similar to those of Nodio ”, the body proposed by the National Office of the Public Defender and whose creation had already been“ rejected by the IAPA ”and other representative bodies of journalism.

Finally, the report discusses the economic aspects of journalistic activity, where it is concluded that “the Argentinian press faces increasing challenges for its sustainability”. According to this analysis, the media system “now lacks the state subsidies it had during the first months of the pandemic in 2020 and suffers from very serious deterioration of their income in the context of a deep recession and a complex health horizon ”.

Journalists and the media, however, fulfill their role with commendable courage and dedication.The report ended.


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