16-year-old Piba was about to stab another young woman and the police killed her with four bullets | the Chronicle


Police in Columbus, Ohio, United States, released footage from a video in which Agent’s body camera recorded the moment he killed 16-year-old after shooting her with his service weapon.

As the acting chief of police of this city explained, Michael woods, at a press conference on Tuesday, the incident happened at 4:32 p.m. when 911 received a call regarding a group of women trying to stab the appellant.

The video shows the officer arriving at the scene as a brawl between several people has developed, when uA woman (the 16 year old girl) with a knife tries to stab a person on the ground, followed by a second which is pushed against a vehicle. In front of this situation, the officer fired his gun four times at the teenager.

Speaking to the press, Woods claimed he acted drastically to save the other girl who was going to be stabbed by the named 16-year-old. Makiyah Bryant.

At a press conference on Tuesday, the acting police chief Michael woods He said the video showed the officer acted to save the life of another girl.

Bryant was taken to Mount Carmel East Hospital, but died an hour later from gunshot wounds.

Statements by the mayor of the city

The Mayor of Columbus, Andrew Ginther, reported at the press conference that it is known that “Based on these footage, the officer took action to protect another young woman in our community, but a family is in mourning tonight and this 15-year-old will never return home. “

“It’s still very new and still collects information that we can collect, but most of this information will be done by BCI.”, He said. “We want to be sure that they are independently reviewed, that we don’t get in the way and that we provide them with the information they ask for.”, he claimed.

The State Criminal Investigation Bureau (BCI) is investigating the shooting. Woods said forensics had attempted to obtain information on the weapon but had yet to find results.

This was the moment the policeman shot the 16-year-old boy


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