El Noble was sold: who and why they bought it


The chain of empanadas The noble has new owners. The society Directed by Mariano Castagnaro, he cedes the company, formerly El Noble Repulgue, to a family member who owns the transport company Andesmar..

The amount of the transaction was not disclosed. From the outgoing leadership of El Noble, they confirmed to The chronicler What the company, which has a factory and a network of more than 90 franchises, has debt of nearly $ 200 million. It had been on sale since 2020.

The news was announced by the buyer in a statement released by WhatsApp. “Friends. I want to share with you (sic) the enormous joy of embarking on a new personal and professional challenge. As of today, I am the new owner of Nobles del Sur SA, better known as El Noble. A 100% Argentinian company. It is a huge responsibility. We’re going to put all the claws on it! “, Informed Diego Badaloni Giner, director of Andesmar, which acquired the company with a partner, who preferred to keep his identity anonymous.

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Strictly speaking, the process involved six months of negotiation and a subsequent audit, which concluded a few days ago and had its final touch with the signing of the transfer a few hours ago, according to sources close to the agreement. They clarified that It’s a project that has nothing to do with Andesmar, as speculation began on Thursday, as soon as the site iProfesional reported on the WhatsApp message.

Who are the new owners and why the interest in El Noble? In addition to leading the bus company established in 1967, Badaloni Giner is vice president of the Andesmar Foundation, a non-profit association born in 2007 at the initiative of the third generation of the family.

In collaboration with various government agencies, “the organization faces sustainable initiatives that strengthen the social development of Argentina and the region, contribute to improving the quality of life of its inhabitants “.

Le Noble now sells frozen

The businessman already has experience in the gastronomic field. With his partner, he manages food products to the continent, a company that sells high quality coffee related products and supplies bars, pastry shops, restaurants and hotels around the country. Soon, start selling also in department stores, such as supermarkets.

According to sources linked to the operation, the intention of the new owners is to “reposition the brand and give it a technical character, to expand the product catalog and deal with an export project “.

“Its objective is to continue to bet on the country, to generate new sources of work and project the expansion of the company, which in the last time was beaten“, they advanced.

El Noble has a factory located in the city of Garn in Buenos Aires, 14,000 square meters, at the cutting edge of technology, indicates sources close to the company and a warehouse to store frozen products. The complex has already been authorized to export to the European Union (EU) and, on an ongoing basis, it is audited by international consulting firms.

El Noble has over 90 franchises

The chain claims it has the world’s largest empanada factory, with an annual production at Garn of 100 million units. Today it offers a wallet frozen food which includes pies, pizzas, stuffed pizzas, cheese rolls, paninis, tostables and chicken nuggets.

In the country, the company provides 150 places from different channels, such as supermarkets, supermarkets, restoration, restaurants, hotels and oil companies. It has more than 90 franchises, who show up in person and with home deliveries to 4000 clients.

In addition, El Noble products are already sold outside Argentina, through distributors, warehouses and the famous El Corte Ingls store. They are found in Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Mexico, Spain and Germany.


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