“Purge of rape”: the disturbing new viral challenge that worries the world | the Chronicle


Challenges are very common among users of TIC Tac. However, its use is not without danger. In the last hours, uA new and disturbing challenge has raised all alarms: “The Rape Purge”, also known as “International Rape Day”.

The scary trend is started with many American TikTok users denouncing an alleged video posted on the Chinese social network, in which a group of men prompted others to commit as much sexual assault as possible on women and children on April 24.

The images cannot be found on the platform, but the protagonists have reportedly argued that it is legal to abuse another person during this day and even gave advice on how to do so, posing a challenge for them. raped women. This information was disseminated via various social networks.

Under the hashtag # April24th2021, already has over 70 million views, the idea of ​​this dreadful challenge went viral and went around the world in a matter of hours, and while many users consider this to be just a joke in bad taste, others ask for caution and put warning against the threat, that whether it is true or not, it has already served as an idea, risk or trivialization of something as serious and socially harmful as practically punished around the world.

The tiktoker, @joannalynneofficial, is one of the many familiar faces that have echoed the trend and warned of its dangerousness. “Those who are afraid should not be called fools, because although not all men are, some will. And some are already too many “, he pointed out.

TikTok statement

Amid the noise of social networks and media, TikTok posted a statement in which he claims not to have found the alleged original video on his platform, although he warns: “Our security team is vigilant and we will remove any content that violates our policies.”. In addition, he noted that “Keeping our community safe is our priority, and we do not condone any content that promotes or glorifies non-consensual sexual acts, including rape and / or sexual assault.”

For its part, the Spanish National Police also spoke through a video on the same platform with a reassuring and useful message.


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