Former Bolivian President Jeanine Áñez has kidney infection: her doctor demanded she be transferred from prison to hospital


Former Bolivian interim president Jeanine Áñez was recorded on March 13 as she watched from cells of the Special Crime Control Force (Felcc) in La Paz, Bolivia.  EFE / Limiter
Former Bolivian interim president Jeanine Áñez was recorded on March 13 as she watched from cells of the Special Crime Control Force (Felcc) in La Paz, Bolivia. EFE / Limiter

A report from the private doctor of the former transitional president of Bolivia Jeanine Áñez stressed that she suffered from “acute pyelonephritis” and that she had to be hospitalized, but the other doctors of the penitentiary medical commission refused to let her out of the prison where she is detained on a preventive basis.

Dr Pavel Angles’ report was published this Saturday on the former president’s social networks, and it indicates that he attended a medical meeting on April 21 with Wilder Huanca, a doctor from Miraflores prison where she is detained. and Ramiro Gutierrez, on behalf of the government.

Angles explained that the former president suffered from ‘acute pyelonephritis’, which is an infection of the kidneys and that Dr Gutierrez concluded with the same diagnosis, but his comments were not recorded in the minutes of the meeting. .

Áñez’s doctor’s report details that Dr Gutierrez “suggested that the treatment be started in the penitentiary” and that both agreed to start “microbial treatment” while “legal procedures allow his departure” to receive adequate care.

“Conclusion that Dr. Wilder Huanca did not want to record in the two lines he had recorded in the minutes,” reads the report. Huanca said the conditions exist in the prison for him to receive this treatment and not approve of his release from prison. At the end of the meeting, Huanca and Gutierrez decided to start an “intravenous treatment” and that depending on her progress, it will be determined whether it is necessary to transfer her to a clinic.

“Not having been the conclusion we reached a few minutes before, I told him that I would not continue to be part of the meeting, because my presence and my comments were in vain, so I withdrew,” a writes Angles. “Given the stubbornness of the said authorities, I suggested to the family to initiate the intravenous treatment necessary within the penitentiary in order to protect the health of the former president,” he concluded.

This week, the former president suffered a decompensation in which she had fever, vomiting and severe abdominal pain.Therefore, his lawyers demanded that private doctors be allowed to enter the prison.

Áñez has been in prison for more than a month for the so-called ‘coup d’état’ case based on allegations of alleged conspiracy, sedition and terrorism during the political and social crisis that occurred at the end of 2019 and that led to Morales’ resignation as president and the annulment of this year’s election amid allegations of fraud.

The arrest of the former transitional president and two of his former ministers generated tensions between the ruling party, which defends that it seeks to do “justice” in the face of what they consider to be a “coup” against Evo Morales, and the opposition which denounces a political “persecution”, in addition statements from international organizations that have called for due process.

In the picture, former interim president of Bolivia Jeanine Áñez, March 13, 2021. EFE / Stringer / Archivo
In the picture, former interim president of Bolivia Jeanine Áñez, March 13, 2021. EFE / Stringer / Archivo

Last week there was also a controversy between the ruling party and the opposition after a visit by a committee of deputies to the prison.

The deputies of the Governmental Movement for Socialism (MAS) assure that the former president enjoys alleged privileges in prison, while opponents denounce the violation of several of their rights.

A group of parliamentarians from the opposition blocs Comunidad Ciudadana and Creemos announced a trip to the United States to denounce the “violation of democratic order“and the”political persecution“From the government of Luis Arce facing opponents, police and military for the 2019 crisis.

With information from EFE


Jeanine Áñez decompensated in prison and doctors demand additional tests

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