Bill Gates explained why he thinks the world will be back to normal by the end of 2022


Bill Gates announced the return of normality

The Microsoft founder said he expects COVID-19 infection levels to drop to “very small numbers” by the end of next year., as vaccines become more and more available around the world.

Anticipated that In “the next three or four months,” the United States and other developed countries will start to have a surplus of vaccine that they can share with poorer nations. “During the rest of the year, the US, UK and other countries will be able to ensure that vaccines are sent to developing countries.”, Declared the Sophy Ridge program on Sky News Sunday.

“Since many vaccines have worked, although we are now looking at some of the side effects and making sure we can treat them and they are very rare, this good news means we may be able to give more,” he added. Explain.

The Microsoft founder also assured that “the other good news is that the real death rate from this epidemic in the poorest countries has been quite low”. And I add: “Places where everyone over 60 needs to be vaccinated, like South Africa or Brazil, will become a priority in the next three or four months, when the United States takes this position of excess.”

As Gates explained, it was “positive” that rich countries were able to immunize their elderly populations, since in general they had been more affected than elderly people in developing countries. However, He clarified that it does not seem fair to him that the United States vaccinate 30-year-olds when there are not enough doses for 60-year-olds in Brazil and South Africa. And he insisted: “In three or four months, the allocation of vaccines will reach all countries with a very serious epidemic.”

Gates’ thoughts on the development of the pandemic are being followed closely. It was in 2015, when the founder of Microsoft took the Ted Talks stage in Vancouver and said, “If something kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it’s probably a problem. highly infectious virus rather than a war, ”they treated it as exaggerated. However, now, with the coronavirus collapsing the planet, his warnings make more sense.

In 2015, Bill Gates warned of the risk of a virus that could cause a pandemic

Thanks to the foundation he created with his wife, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The businessman has allocated more than $ 1.75 billion to invest in pharmaceutical companies that are developing vaccines and drugs against COVID-19.

And, in addition, it seeks to make the planet aware of other problems that threaten the world. In one of his latest predictions, which he made during an interview with popular science scholar Derek Muller on his YouTube channel Veritasium, Gates warned of two serious threats that coexist with and unfortunately will survive the current pandemic: climate change and bioterrorism.

“What’s the next disaster? What are we not prepared for? Muller asked. “One is climate change,” he said calmly but without hesitation, and warned: “Every year there will be an even higher number of deaths than we have had in this pandemic.” The other danger, “something people don’t like to talk about very much”, is bioterrorism. “Whether someone wants to cause harm by conceiving a virus means the possibility of incurring a greater cost than natural epidemics like the present one.”

Bill Gates detailed the next threats to humanity after the coronavirus pandemic

When Muller asked him for advice on avoiding future crises like this, the mogul was not very optimistic: “Certainly there will be more pandemics. Because of the way humans interact with other species, these viruses cross the species barrier, whether bats or monkeys … “

“Can’t you do anything?” Insisted the interviewer. “We could increase our preparation so that we never have a death toll near the present …”


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