Coronavirus in Mexico: more than 16,000 people have had adverse reactions to the vaccine


The country has received 22 million 110,855 vaccines (Photo: EFE / Luis Villalobos / File)
The country has received 22 million 110,855 vaccines (Photo: EFE / Luis Villalobos / File)

The COVID-19 vaccination in Mexico is one of the government’s most powerful weapons to mitigate the pandemic. To date, millions of vaccines have been applied and, at the same time, more than 16,000 people have experienced events presumed to be attributable to vaccination or immunization (ESAVI).

According to the Ministry of Health, until April 25, 16,470 ESAVIS, which represents 0.1% of the 16,410,304 doses applied.

Adverse effects of the immunizer alone 254 were deemed serious by the health authorities, or 2% of the total, explained the director general of the National Center for Disease Prevention and Control Programs (Cenaprece), Ruy López Riadura.

During the afternoon conference on the state of the pandemic, health officials added that there are 80 people hospitalized who are among the cases considered serious and they are Guerrero and Hidalgo places that have a greater number of Mexicans interned.

The assignments considered as ESAVIS are linked to vaccines from different laboratories. 13,958 events were linked to the immunizer from Pfizer, 1368 from AstraZeneca, 669 from Sinovac, 263 from Sputnik V, 203 from CanSino and six unrelated with one of them.

Health officials added that there were 80 people hospitalized who are among the cases considered serious (Photo: EFE / Alberto Valdes / Archive)
Health officials added that there were 80 people hospitalized who are among the cases considered serious (Photo: EFE / Alberto Valdes / Archive)

Until the last report, López Riadura announced that the country received 22 million 110,855 vaccines either packaged or, as in the case of CanSino, with the active substance in bulk.

“We have the assurance of early shipment from Pfizer-BioNTech, we could have a reception of over two million doses next week“Said Ruy López Ridaura

Of the total vaccines, 8,649,225 correspond to Pfizer-BioNTech, 4,664,500 to AstraZeneca, 5 million to SinoVac, 1,100,000 to Sputnik V and 2,697,160 to CansinoBio.

Regarding the state of the pandemic until April 25, two million have been recorded 328,391 infections Yes 214,947 deaths caused by coronavirus disease in Mexico. This means that in the last 24 hours they have been added 1653 new cases Yes 94 deaths national statistics.

In addition, the director of epidemiological surveillance of communicable diseases, Santa Elizabeth Cevallos Lizeaga,detailed that from week 14 to 15 of 2021 a 28% decrease in estimated cases (sum of confirmed and suspected infections) throughout the country, 2,516,022 until the last cut. In addition, 1,850,680 people have recovered from the disease.

As for the state of the pandemic up to April 25, there have been two million 328,391 infections and 214,947 deaths from the coronavirus disease (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
As for the state of the pandemic up to April 25, there have been two million 328,391 infections and 214,947 deaths from the coronavirus disease (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

The official recalled the importance of maintaining health measures even at this stage of the pandemic. “It is important to follow the recommendations we have given in different conditions: Maintain healthy distance measurements during vaccination, and this includes access to sites hydrated with natural water, ”said the specialist.

Regarding the occupancy rate of hospitals, 14% occupancy was recorded nationwide, both in general beds and those with ventilators. While the Serious Acute Respiratory Infections (SARI) network has 26423 general beds available Yes 3,743 busy.

For the week of April 26 to May 9, the epidemiological fire will have the following position. On green alert We find Coahuila, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Veracruz, Chiapas and Campeche; in yellow Baja California, Sonora, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Sinaloa, Durango, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Nayarit, Aguascalientes, Colima, State of Mexico, Michoacán, Querétaro, Guerrero, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Morelos, Oaxaca and Yucatán; Yes in orange there are Chihuahua, Baja California Sur, Mexico, Hidalgo, Tabasco and Quintana Roo.


Coronavirus in Mexico as of April 25: 1,653 infections and 94 deaths have been recorded in the last 24 hours
500,000 Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines have arrived in Mexico
Mexico has exceeded 15,000,000 doses applied against COVID-19

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