Peru: candidate Pedro Castillo hides members of his technical team and his government plan predates the pandemic


Pedro Castillo refused to give the names of the members of his technical team

Pedro Castillo, the Peruvian left-wing candidate who leads all the polls for the second presidential round to be held in June, refused this Sunday to release the names of his advisers for the government proposals, given questions about an official plan that was presented. start of the pandemic.

The leader of the teachers’ union, in an interview with the Punto Final program, replied: “We have a whole technical team. I will not mix the names, due to situations of the same team, I will empower the technical team“. At the insistence of the journalist, he indicated that he would give him the names off screen.

“The important thing is that this is a technical team that is in each of the areas, with the aim of delivering them first in the country. There must be a government of moral solvency, ”he added.

The interest in meeting his advisers does not only come from the serious circumstances in which the winner of the elections will take office on July 28, facing a huge economic and health crisis that will have to get to work from the first minute. Also, because they were brought up doubts about Castillo’s adherence to the plan presented by the Free Peru party before the national elections jury, drawn up by the former governor Vladimir Cerrón before the arrival of COVID-19 in the country and, therefore, does not mention any details about the fight against the pandemic.

The plan presented by Peru Libre was drafted before the arrival of COVID-19 in the country and does not mention the fight against the pandemic

In recent days, Castillo has attempted to distance himself from Cerrón, convicted of corruption and under investigation in several other cases, as well as other congressional candidates who have defended a hard line in favor of amending the Constitution, the main proposal. the country.

When asked if he had moved away from Cerrón, Castillo replied: “Here things are clear. The candidate is Pedro Castillo. The spokesperson must be the person to whom the people entrust power. He is the general secretary of the Peru Free party, it has a national structure. But the voice of the people, of this campaign, is assumed by me. If there were secondary voices, voices on the way, we have already spoken with them, we are in command“.

Cerrón’s personalism is noted in such a way that he put his face on the first page of the official plan. In this document, “Marxist, Leninist and Marianist” is recognized. However, Castillo put on cold rags, pointing out that there would be a nationalization of mining companies, but a “nationalization” of resources.

In Sunday’s interview, he also said he was confident that he had “the full capacity to assume proper responsibility for directing the destinies of the country” without considering other “role models”, given the comparison. constant media that is made with the regime of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela.

However, he praises the processes led by Evo Morales in Bolivia and Rafael Correa in Ecuador. “I was (in Bolivia) as a lecturer, some universities invited me, for example the Universidad del Valle, we participated and we saw up close how much the population has a difference compared to many previous years. Beyond that, I believe that Peruvians are fully capable of assuming correct responsibility to lead the destiny of the country, no role models, ”he said.

All polls published so far give him a more than 10 point advantage over Keiko Fujimori, right-wing candidate of Fuerza Popular and daughter of former dictator Alberto Fujimori, whom he promises to forgive if he takes office. This is Keiko’s third attempt to come to power: previously, he lost in the ballot against Ollanta Humala (2011) and Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (2016).

The former member is trying to pose the election as a referendum on the economic model, in a society with a weak left-wing tradition, but the proposal did not favor it in a context of strong economic and health crisis. Additionally, Fujimori’s responsibilities (his father’s government and the obstructionist policy of his bench over the past five years) have increased the anti-voting he already had in previous elections.


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