Fearing of being impeached, Bolsonaro wants to block the investigation into his management of the pandemic


Each portfolio must provide information to counter possible questions divided into 23 questions, including whether the Bolsonaro government has been “negligent” in delaying the purchase of coronavirus vaccines, if the severity of the pandemic has been “downplayed” and whether the consumption of hydroxychloroquine was promoted “without evidence.”

Colonel Elcio Franco, will participate in the government team to neutralize the congressional investigation, which plans to summon the general Eduardo Pazuello, who was Minister of Health until last March.

The ICC will be formalized on Tuesday when the names of its president are made official, who will likely be independent senator Omar Aziz, while opposition senator, Renan Calheiros -Who was president of the Senate during the dismissal of Dilma Rousseff– will be the rapporteur.

According to the newspaper O Globo, President Bolsonaro has not yet resigned himself to Calheiros occupying this crucial position within the ICC, and would prepare an “offensive” to have him replaced by an official member of Congress.

It consists in denouncing Calheiros’ conflict of interest because he must investigate the management of the coronavirus pandemic in the state of Alagoas, where his son is governor.

The rapporteur rejected this argument, saying he would apologize for this type of investigation.

For his part, Folha de San Pablo published this Monday an article on the political scenarios that open with this parliamentary inquiry, which includes the hypothesis of a future indictment against Bolsonaro.

Experts consulted that morning said the ICC results should be awaited to see if they will provide evidence leading to a political trial.

One of the antecedents is that of 1992 when the revelations that emerged in an ICC were the prelude to the impeachment process against the then president. Fernando Collor de Mello.

The same experts told Folha that whatever happens from Tuesday in parliament, “the president’s repeated statements denying the seriousness of the pandemic and against isolation would already be enough” to open a political trial against him.

Brazil adds 390,925 deaths from the coronavirus and advances towards the 400,000 death mark, a figure that would be reached throughout this week.

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