Maduro’s silence on Apure’s war which cannot hide the truth: “The bodies are being identified”


What was said by the Minister of Defense provided worrying data although he refused to give figures on military deaths and injuries.
What was said by the Minister of Defense provided worrying data although he refused to give figures on military deaths and injuries.

The strategy is an order of the national government: silence. Not a single piece of information that reveals the atrocity of the carnage that occurs in Apure with the Venezuelan army when the Colombian guerrillas have violently attacked them since Friday, April 24. Senior officials of the Venezuelan regime and the armed forces limit themselves to four themes: celebrating Unefa’s birthday, congratulating medalist Yulimar Rojas, the seven years since the murder of Eliécer Otaiza and the deep pain because he died of COVID-19 Mayor Yannelys Patiño. Military deaths and injuries don’t even count for a tweet.

The soldiers, the relatives of the dead and wounded soldiers, the journalists of the government propaganda channels who very actively blocked the entry of the media into the area, are silent, nor the mayor of the municipality of Páez, José María Romero ” Chema ”let alone Congressman Orlando Zambrano.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Nicolas maduro, provides the common thread, in their networks, so that the subject is not raised: “Every day that we work, we face the blockade and the financial war, without neglecting the pandemic …”, “We regret the sensitive physical departure of Yannelys Patiño, mayor of the municipality of Gómez, in the state of Nueva Esparta… ”,“ Bravo, Yulimar! Deserved recognition, Guinness Record for your longest (female) triple jump (indoor) with 15.43 meters … “,” We are taking certain measures to strengthen the national public health system … “,” We remember of our colleague and brother of a thousand battles, Eliézer Otaiza … “,” thanks to the Cuba-Venezuela Agreement, the Cultura Corazón Adentro Mission was created … “and this is how it goes between the retweet from Arreaza and Padrino, he even publishes “I invite you on Day of humor, to cultivate joy as a weapon of life”.

The Strategic Operational Command of the Armed Forces (Ceofanb) is the main body for planning, programming, direction, execution and joint strategic operational control of the military institution in Venezuela, i.e. the determining role of what occurs in this war which takes place in Apure for the control of the territory. His boss, Admiral-in-Chief Remigio Ceballos Ichaso, demonstrates the mistake of having an officer in this post who does not like leadership or descent among his subordinates..

While the military of the State of Apure are confronted with an irregular army which has been training for war for almost 60 years and which also has the advantage of having been installed for decades at the border, which has penetrated the civilian population and has a better knowledge of the territory than Venezuelan troops, Admiral Ceballos is concerned about Unefa’s birthday. “Congratulations to the great family of the Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana for their 22nd Aniv. Crucible of men and women devoted and committed to educational excellence for the motherland ”.

The general-in-chief (Av) Pedro Alberto Juliac Lartiguez, who is the second chief of Ceofanb, also bowed in front of the line: “I pay homage to the courageous revolutionary and faithful defender of the ideology of our supreme commander, Eliézer Otaiza … “. Continue with the celebration of Unefa, etc.

Among the military, we are alarmed by the uncertainty about what is happening in Apure
Among the military, we are alarmed by the uncertainty about what is happening in Apure

The chorus

Minister Tareck El Aissami and the media Jorge Rodríguez limited themselves to a low-key retweet from Nicolás Maduro, who This is unusual because if something characterized the current president of the National Assembly of Chavism, it is to be actively involved on any fundamental issue. But not only Rodríguez, also his sister Delcy does not say a word about the Apure affair.

The vice-president quotes Chancellor Jorge Arreaza, busy denouncing the opposition and once again a media; Delcy Rodríguez is also concerned about a message that speaks of “130 people killed off the Libyan coast. Under the indifference of his authorities. This is the macabre and criminal result of the EU’s policy of “externalizing the borders” with a partner country ”.

Another media par excellence on all subjects and even more on the Armies, God gave hair, is silent and sits in the choir: he begins with the death of the mayor, without forgetting “to say Eliézer Otaiza is not just any name, he is an authentic revolutionary …” and quoting the messages of the story of its program.

Transfer of wounded soldiers to Apure (courtesy of Javier Tarazona)
Transfer of wounded soldiers to Apure (courtesy of Javier Tarazona)

Not the navy

Although the first soldiers directly attacked in the last few hours by the guerrillas are navies, even the information networks of this component are not taken for granted. What they regretted was the death of CN Ender Zerpa Clavo, vice president of finance of the Bank of the FANB.

The commanding general of the navy, Admiral William Serantes Pinto, releases a propaganda video in which he stands out. “We will continue to fight hard, until we completely eradicate these criminal groups, who have tried to overthrow our internal order.“That’s the most he said.

The Deputy Minister of Defense Services, Admiral Érika Coromoro Virgüez Oviedo, He is one of the few to have dared to send a message about sovereignty: “Our land is sacred! Our sovereignty, inviolable! There will be no cowardly action that will bend us …“.

Army Commander MG Domingo Hernández Lárez continues to entertain himself in the tank rescue operation with which they have promised officers a promotion. It is dedicated to disseminating information from Maduro, Ceofanb and the Ministry of Defense. Later, the little reference to what is happening at the border is that he published: “We are free, sovereign and independent! Hurry, this is Venezuelan territory and we will not allow Colombian narco-terrorist practices on our sacred soil, which we will defend at all costs ”.

Militia leader MG Gregorio Bernal Martínez follows the line: dead mayor, health system, successful athlete, Unefa and timidly following Padrino López’s message, published: “My GJ, like in Carabobo 200 years ago , the Venezuelans will remain firm and united in the defense of our apure and of all the national territory, guaranteeing the sovereignty and the independence of the great motherland ”.

The radial circuit of Tiuna, which announced its presence in La Victoria in the state of Apure a few days ago, has joined the silence. What he regretted was the death of the mayor of Patiño.

Remigio Ceballos, chief of Ceofanb, during a ceremony with the Marines
Remigio Ceballos, chief of Ceofanb, in an act with the Marines

The notice

After three days, Defense Minister GJ Vladimir Padrino López issued the following tweet: “Hurry, it’s up to us! Nothing and no one will stop us in our determination to guarantee the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the homeland. The union of the people and the FANB is the key to blocking the alleged export of the Colombian paramilitary model of narco and its oligarchy ”.

And he subscribes to a statement in which he mentioned what was going on at Apure, in which there are facts that stand out:

– During the last seventy-two (72) hours, bloody fighting has taken place with irregular Colombian armed groups.

– Location: unpopulated areas west of La Victoria, municipality of Páez, state of Apure.

– Significant number of victims in the above-mentioned groups.

– Destruction of temporary installations (of these irregular groups).

– Captured several topics that provide valuable information.

– Unfortunately, some of our troops also died including the bodies are identified by the corresponding autopsy.

– Others were injured.

– We extol the courage, honor and patriotic love of these distinguished soldiers, who offered and continue to risk their lives to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the nation.

– “Criminal and terrorist organizations act with the support of the powerful funding structure available to the Colombian oligarchy.”

– “We will continue and intensify military operations which will allow us to neutralize any fear of these criminals, whom we will fight relentlessly with all moral and material forces until their total expulsion and their final defeat.”

Admiral William Serantes Pinto visiting one of the border naval posts
Admiral William Serantes Pinto visiting one of the border naval posts

Two things are striking in this writing on the case of the military: he does not want to mention the number of dead, not even the injured, which shows that he is trying not to reveal the truth about what happened, which could lead to low morale in the troop that is sent to the area.

And the most impressive thing is the phrase that the “the bodies are identifiedWhich speaks of two things: a) there are missing, dead or wounded soldiers, b) destroyed bodies.

Yesterday, Monday April 26, the Bolivarian navy, the same one that has remained silent on what is happening with its fallen officers and troops, sent 100 individual fighters who “They will join military operations in border areas of Apure State to confront Colombian irregular groups“.

The only senior official in the government of Nicolás Maduro who expressed regret for the deceased army was Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza: “Our FANB protects the people by confronting the Colombian irregular groups. Our condolences to the relatives of the deceased troops ”.


Terrorist groups settle in Venezuela as lawlessness grows
New attacks by FARC dissidents at the border: they claim that there have been deaths and injuries among Venezuelan soldiers

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