Woman Kills Newborn Twins with Bottle Sanitizer and Boiling Water: “Babies Won’t Let Me Sleep”


Police new York investigate the murder of newborn twins in the borough of Queens. For the crime they arrested his mother, Danezja Kilpatrick, who was accused of poisoning them, throwing boiling water on them and stabbing one of them.

As revealed by the Queens District Attorney’s Office, the 23-year-old stayed four days next to the bodies.

Local media published some details about the heinous crime. Kilpatrick first put floor sanitizer in their bottles to poison them. Then he took them to the tub and poured boiling water into it.

Then her 46-day-old daughter Dakota stopped moving. Kilpatrick wrapped his body in a pink blanket and put it in a consortium bag he hid under the kitchen sink.

Dallas, the man, was found lying face down in a cradle, a knife under his neck and covered with a blanket, court records show.

The woman, a single mother, told police after being arrested that “the babies would not let her sleep.” “I gave up and stopped worrying. I didn’t care about babies, that’s why I poisoned themKilpatrick said, according to the New York Daily News.

It is a cousin who warned the police on Thursday, April 22, fearing for the health of the boys after a phone conversation that left her worried.

Kilpatrick’s sister, Quanteya, visited him and also noticed something strange: “As soon as I walked in I knew something was wrong“Quanteya, 39, said, according to the newspaper. Daily News. “Something was giving me bad vibes … There were no baby clothes, no bottles . He told me that the boys were with their father. “

Upon arrival, the police discovered two “unconscious and unanswered” babies. “The emergency services declared them dead at the scene,” said a spokesperson.

“This is a tragic and heartbreaking case,” said Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz. “Two babies died and their mother was accused of doing the unthinkable. It should have been a happy time for this family. Instead, the families of the babies mourn the death, ”he added.

The building where the crime took place. (Photo: courtesy New York Daily News).

The affair caused a great stir in the neighborhood. “They were innocent babies. They didn’t deserve it, ”said Nicole Bickett, a neighbor and mother of three.

Kilpatrick was charged with two counts of first and second degree murder. According to the channel CBS, the woman had a long history of psychiatric problems.

According to a study on maternal infanticide published in 2007 in the journal Global Psychiatry, the researchers found a predominance of young mothers, socially isolated, full-time caregivers, victims of domestic violence or they had psychiatric problems.


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