Brutal femicide: he threw her out of a 12th floor window and then threw himself into the void | the Chronicle


Man threw his wife from the 12th floor of a building then threw himself into the void. Both members of the couple died instantly. The tragedy occurred in the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

The investigation is being carried out by the Special Force for Combating Violence (FELCV). The main hypothesis is that of a femicide and that the man, realizing what he had done, decided to kill himself. The video went viral and was seen on Chronicle HD.

According to Bolivian media, the deceased was identified as Sarah Arauco and Dágner Rojas. The latter lived there two years ago.

The testimony of the neighbors describes the man as a person with a violent character. They also report that high voices have been heard before Arauco was thrown into the void, which is why the police suspect femicide.

Thus the violent murdered his victim (SENSITIVE IMAGES)


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