The Pope opposed any form of intervention in Venezuela


ROMA.- On the eve of the beatification, tomorrow in Caracas, of José Gregorio Hernández (1864-1919), nicknamed the “doctor of the poor” and venerated figure in Venezuela, the dad Francisco He not only urged this country, devastated by an excruciating humanitarian, political and economic crisis today, for reconciliation, national unity and democratic stability, but also, He was totally against any “outside intervention”.

“I ask that, among all of us, we recover this Venezuela in which everyone knows they fit, in which everyone can find a future. Yes I ask the Lord that no external intervention prevents you from walking on this path of national unity “, declared the Pope, at the end of a video message which he sent on the occasion of the beatification of Hernández. The solemn ceremony will take place tomorrow in Caracas in a very minor tone due to the pandemic and will be chaired by the nuncio in Venezuela, Archbishop Aldo Giordano, since yesterday, at the last minute, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State and former The nuncio of this country has canceled his trip for reasons of force majeure, linked “mainly” to the Covid, according to a statement from the Vatican.

In the video message, the Pope – who at the end of 2016 took the risk of being a facilitator of a dialogue between the regime of Nicolás Maduro and the opposition which ended in failure and who follows this country with concern – took the opportunity to launch an energetic appeal to the punished Venezuelan people to follow the example of the new blessed and to take charge, through national unity, of their destiny. Without “any outside intervention”, as he pointed out at the end of the video message. This fair took place at a complex time due to tensions with Colombia and clashes with irregular groups on the border between the two countries. Venezuelan authorities yesterday renewed their complaints against Colombian President Iván Duque, whom Caracas accuses of supporting the US government in its alleged plans to overthrow Maduro.

“The beatification of Dr. Hernández is a special blessing from God for Venezuela, and invites us to convert towards greater solidarity with one another, to produce among all the response of the common good so necessary for the country to return, reborn after the pandemic, in a spirit of reconciliation, ”said the former Archbishop of Buenos Aires. “In the midst of all difficulties, I ask all of you who love Dr José Gregorio so much to follow the admirable example of selfless service to others. I sincerely believe that this moment of national unity, around the figure of the people’s doctor, represents a singular hour for Venezuela, and demands that you go further, that you take concrete measures in favor of unity, without let yourself be overcome by discouragement. . », He indicated. “Following the example of Dr José Gregorio, who are able to recognize each other as equals, as brothers, as children of the same country“He continued.

Want to visit Venezuela

In the message, the Pope expressed his desire to visit Venezuela on two occasions. “I ask God for reconciliation and peace among Venezuelans, I would like to visit you,” he said. “That public institutions always know how to ensure security and confidence for all, and that the inhabitants of this beautiful land always find opportunities for human development and coexistence. I pray, dear brothers and sisters, that the new blessed inspire, in particular, all leaders, all: unions, academics, politicians, businesses, religious, all, university students and others, to work seriously towards the realization of a project operational. unity, ”he implored.

The Pope stressed that the beatification will take place at a “difficult time” due to the pandemic. Although diplomatic, he also alluded to the dramatic political situation and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, which caused an exodus of its citizens.

I also think of all those who left the country in search of better living conditions, as well as those who are deprived of their liberty and those who lack the most necessaryHe said. “You are all compatriots of the blessed, all of you. And everyone has the same rights. I accompany you with love, everyone. And just as I know the sufferings well, I also know the faith. and the great hopes of the Venezuelan people, ”he added.

“An old saying goes: ‘Either we are all saved or no one is saved’,” he also recalled, again stressing the urgent need for national unity. “The path is common to all. Let us seek the path of national unity, and this for the good of Venezuela. An operational unit in which everyone, with seriousness and sincerity, with respect and reciprocal recognition, putting the common good before any other interest, work for unity, peace and prosperity, so that, in this way, citizens can live in normality, productivity, democratic stability, security, justice and hope “he insisted.

Only 150 people will be able to attend the beatification ceremony of the Venezuelan doctor, which will not be in the Olympic stadium of the Central University of Venezuela, his Alma Mater, but in the church of the La Salle school, in Caracas, a place which is located in the district of the city where José Gregorio Hernández carried out a large part of his work as a doctor, with particular attention to the poorest.

Of course, the archbishops and bishops of Venezuela will be in attendance, who will meet in person for the first time since before the pandemic began and who in recent years have fought against Maduro’s regime.

Conocé The Trust Project
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