The Pope approves seven new invocations in the Litanies in honor of Saint Joseph


On the occasion of the solemnity of Saint Joseph the Worker, the Letter that the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments sent to the Presidents of the Conferences of Bishops of the whole Church on “New Invocations in the Litanies in Honor of Patron of the Universal Church ”.

Vatican City

The Press Office of the Holy See published this Saturday, May 1, the Solemnity of Saint Joseph the Worker, the Letter sent by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, addressed to the Presidents of the Conferences of Bishops of the together Church on the new invocations in the litanies in honor of Saint Joseph.

Highlight the figure of the patron of the Church

In the Letter, signed by the Secretary of this Dicastery, Monsignor Arthur Roche, it is recalled that, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the declaration of Saint Joseph as patron of the universal Church, the Holy Father Francis published the Apostolic letter of heart, with the intention “that the love for this great saint may grow, to be urged to implore his intercession and to imitate his virtues, as well as his resolution. In this sense, it seemed opportune to update the Litanies in honor of Saint Joseph, approved in 1909 by the Apostolic See, by adding seven invocations taken from the interventions of the Popes who reflected on certain aspects of the figure of the Patron Church. universal.

Seven new summons

Han sido las nuevas invocaciones presentadas al Santo Padre, quien ha aprobado his inserción en las Litany of San Jose, y son las siguientes “Guardian of the Redeemer” (see the exhortation of San Juan Pablo 2. A post. Redeemer guardian); “You Christ” (see San Pablo, 6, homily-19 to 3-1966, citada as guardian of the Redeemer n. 8 years of heart n. 1); “Minister of Health” (San Juan Crisóstomo, citado en guardian of the Redeemer, n. 8); “SUPPORT for difficulties” (see Francisco, Carta post. Of heart Prolog); “Refugees, sufferers, poor employers” (of heart, n. 5).

Litanies in local languages

Likewise, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments urges Episcopal Conferences to translate the Litanies into the languages ​​of their competence and to publish them; these translations will not need confirmatio of the Apostolic See. “According to their prudent criteria – says the Letter – the Episcopal Conferences can also insert, in the appropriate place and while preserving the literary genre, other invocations of which Saint Joseph is particularly honored in their countries.”

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