Iván Duque handed out the prices of the family basket to cabinet members so they wouldn’t think the eggs cost $ 1,800


Due to the media turmoil caused by the interview with Minister Alberto Carrasquilla in Semana, Iván Duque
Due to the media turmoil caused by the interview with Minister Alberto Carrasquilla in Semana, Iván Duque “scolded” him in a particular way. Photo: Reuters, Colprensa

Despite the fact that Iván Duque’s government has been widely criticized nationally and internationally for several of its determinations, tax reform, just after his term in office, appears to be the peak of accusations and rejections. And it has been on all fronts, with a focus on its Minister of Finance, Alberto Carrasquilla.

During the national strike that began on April 28, one of the main criticisms of the national government refers to an interview Carrasquilla gave to Vicky Dávila in Semana. In this exchange, the minister assured that a dozen eggs cost 1,800 pesos, about four times less than the real price.

Faced with this, according to the same media, Iván Duque has made corrections in the matter so that no member of his cabinet will ever experience a setback of this type. In the palace of Nariño, the president has started distributing lists with the prices of the family basket to officials who have some responsibility regarding the policy or communications of the tax reform. “The idea is not to give papaya”, asserted the weekly means.

The interview that started it all

In the interview with Vicky, when he started talking about the minister’s private life, Carrasquilla confessed that he was selling his house himself; However, contrary to the perception of some, You don’t consider yourself austere when it comes to your own checkbook. Even in front of his coat, he confessed that his mother had called him “Wasteful.”

First, the minister said that in his house there was “decentralization” because he and his wife have separated themselves from financial decisions. On the other hand, when you buy for your home, you are saying that you are not contrasting the prices so much. “I compare the prices. Not as much as he should be. My mom, for example, scolds me a lot for being a price comparison shopper. For her, I am an unnecessary waste ”, remembers his mother, whom he describes as “Methodical” and compares her to Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Faced with a question from Dávila about the price of the egg, Carrasquilla said he “Corchan” asked about the price of some basic items in the family basket.

“I look like a shoe. Let’s say that when it comes to eggs, the quality depends. 1,800 pesos a dozen, that’s what I have in mind. The pound of rice depends on the quality. Don’t squeeze me ”, he said to the director of the medium. It should be noted that a dozen eggs in a supermarket cost from 5,000 pesos to 9,000 pesos, depending on the size and quality.

The interview even led a presidential candidate to create a whole movement around the issue. Camilo Romero, of the Green Alliance, stayed with the finance ministry with the inflatable of a giant egg, to demonstrate against the criticized tax reform presented by the government.

We came indignantly to the corner of the Ministry of Finance and the Colombian Presidency to tell the President, Iván Duque, and Minister Alberto Carrasquilla that they have eggs.. The country can no longer endure abuse and that is why today we are raising this voice of indignation, which is that of millions of citizens. Is this our moment “, said the Green Alliance candidate.

Likewise, Romero indicated that he wanted to represent the boredom of citizens who will have to pay VAT “From bricks to cheap cell phones and computers.”


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