Suggestive criticism of a Christian economist for the delay in wages


The tweet came out on Friday, alongside the media explosion between Martín Guzmán and the Under-Secretary for Energy, Federico Basualdo, who resists his post until Sunday despite the request for resignation that the Minister of the Economy has addressed to him. The deputy Fernanda Vallejos placeholder image that day called into question a central policy of the national government: the purchasing power of wages. And he even warned that this variable, added to growth, is also essential for the new retirement formula to have a positive impact.

Vallejos was the Partner of Cristina Kirchner’s list in 2017 (He went to the national deputies) and, like Basualdo, answers without restriction to the vice-president. They say the former president chose him because of the way he championed Project K in the media. From his bank and on the networks, he continues this task. Many times with controversial definitions.

During the campaign, she was one of the first to defend Amado Boudou from corruption charges, then said the IMF should compensate Argentina for the credit it gave Macri and said the country had the “curse” of exporting food. .

Vallejos, Cristina and Ferraresi, during the 2017 election campaign.

Vallejos, Cristina and Ferraresi, during the 2017 election campaign.

His alignment and economic outlook had their price: courtesy of Máximo Kirchner, bloc leader, Vallejos chairs the finance committee of the lower house. She is one of the voices heard at Instituto Patria and every now and then she is mentioned for a leadership position. She, even in private, avoids talking about her future even if the closest possibility would be to renew the bank which expires this year.

Vallejos’ critique of the salary arrears Regarding inflation, it was summarized in four messages. In his environment, predictably, they sought to detach him from the intern:

– “The evolution of wages, lose to inflation, let us mark the main challenge we have in economic matters. Only with real wage growth can we build a virtuous growth process that begins to heal the wounds of inequality and poverty. “

– “Although the monthly evolution is more encouraging than the interannual data, there is still a long way to go, and DEEP DEBT TO PAY WITH WORKERS, which They lost not only during the pandemic, but during Macri’s 4 years“.

– “The delay in the salary of the public sector workers, indicates a possible alternative to increase wages, strengthen demand, to stimulate a virtuous circle with an impact on all wages, including informal “.

– “Working decisively to recover the real wages of Argentines and Argentines is vital, moreover, for the luck of the retreats. We cannot forget that the new formula is only virtuous within the framework of a model of revival of wages and activity ”.

On the same day, the economist gave another K fidelity test, when congratulated Governor Axel Kicillof, who maintains in his case an open dispute with the head of government of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.

Thank you my colleague governor @Kicillofok for clarity, steadfastness and unwavering commitment to always working to take care of our employees. Great peace of mind to have him at the head of our Province ”, tweeted Vallejos.


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