Another gesture of support: Alberto Fernández and Martín Guz …


President Alberto Fernandez, if the pandemic permits, he will undertake a five-day European tour next Monday, the main objective of which will be to seek support for negotiations with the International Monetary Fund. In this document, in what is now interpreted as a clear gesture of support, it is expected that the Minister of the Economy, Martin guzman, be one of the protagonists of the presidential entourage. From the Ministry of the Economy, they said Page 12 that “it is planned that this trip will be done together”, and that “it has not changed at all”, after what happened with the resignation request and after the clarification that “it will be in the next days “, of the Under-Secretary for Energy, Federico Basualdo.

There is a process that commonly occurs when a government negotiates with the IMF which involves making trips led by the President of the Nation to explain Argentina’s position to various world leaders. In this way, we try to make this turn into support and that, before a possible consultation, the leaders give their approval to the IMF, where several of them have a vote and a seat on the board of directors.

Before this trip that Fernández has planned for a few days, during which he will visit Spain, France, Portugal and Italy, Guzmán made a tour, also in Europe, where he met the Ministers of Economy of the different countries. Now they will make the same journey together again, with the main objective of giving even more political volume to the Argentinian position.

“As the minister did very well during his tour, he will now go to the president to meet the various leaders. All this is part of this negotiation process which was positive, ”they assured the Ministry of the Economy in dialogue with this newspaper.


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