13 tweets from Patricia Bullrich to criticize the 27 by Cristina Kirchner


After Vice-President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner raised 27 tweets to his account in which he compared himself to Joe Biden and criticized Mauricio Macri, PRO president Patricia Bullrich responded with another thread of 13 messages.

“Madam Vice President, how well you have reflected on President Biden’s speech. Although better than thinking it would be to understand what he said and what his proposal is. First: America was built by the middle class and not by Wall Street, ”the leader began, in a 2×1 tweet fight.

Then the attack on the former president’s analysis began when he wrote that Biden was talking about “the same middle class you are destroying systematically years ago. “

“The middle class represents private employment, facilities, payment of reasonable taxes, fieldwork, production and especially education, ”he continued.

Bullrich said that a middle class country is being built “with work and not with plans“, and fired against Kirchnerism because” they exploited the middle class with unpayable taxes, fill the country with public officials and hook the entrepreneur and the professional ”.

Then he quipped: “Although you understand Biden’s proposal ”, he dedicated to CFK, to highlight a theme that is a hobbyhorse of his opposition speech: the role of unions.

“Unions are a tool to monitor employment. Not to lock it down and extort money from businesses. Can you imagine collaborative unionism without extortion? Are you encouraged to implement it?Asked the Together for Change member.

The former security minister interpreted this, as Biden refers to a grand infrastructure plan with the construction of airports, ports, roads and many other works to create jobs. “here his government proposed the opposite: airport expansion has been stopped and some existing airports have been closed, such as El Palomar “.

He also claimed that during his presidential term there were “unfinished roads” and “millions of dollars that ended up in Lázaro Báez’s pocket”. “Do you regret it?“, I ask.

At the end of the tweet thread, one in two from Cristina, Bullrich brought up the tax comparison between Argentina and the United States.

You will have to lower them“, He warned the vice-president, since – he said -” in Argentina nearly 50% of the GDP is paid, while in the United States that means half“.

He also provided management statistics for the government of Mauricio Macri – which Kirchner had criticized in his thread. He gave as an example “the pipeline plan for drinking water in schools”.

And he added: “in 2003, households with sewers in the suburbs were 41.3%. In 2006, 43.1%. At the start of 2016, 52% and at the end of 2018, 55.1%“.

27 tweets from Cristina

Cristina Kirchner had uploaded 27 tweets to your account in which he remembered the American Democratic leader who spoke during his 100 days of government as head of the White House. He did so on Monday, after analyzing the speech for almost a week.

The vice president compared her management to that proposed by Biden and equated the US president’s tax announcements with the so-called wealth tax that her son Máximo Kirchner promoted and approved in Congress.

In the same way, he claimed as his own the public works plans and the trade union role, for which Bullrich met him in the networks.

Corruption in negotiations with Pfizer?

“ The first explanation is that the Government was concerned about the impunity for CFK and the persecution of Macri. They put the vaccines in the background, ”said Bullrich, late Monday evening, invited to a program of TN.

Immediately afterwards, the president of the PRO entirely in the versions which involve the frustrated negotiation between the government and the Pfizer laboratory.

Bullrich showed no doubts when he argued that between the announcement of the sponsorship and the failure of negotiations “there was a black hand”.

Ginés González García and Alberto Fernández, in December 2019. Other times.  Now Patricia Bullrich is firing thick ammunition at the former minister for negotiation with Pfizer.

Ginés González García and Alberto Fernández, in December 2019. Other times. Now Patricia Bullrich is firing thick ammunition at the former minister for negotiation with Pfizer.

“He said” no, we want Pfizer to have a national partner. “Like AstraZeneca. A national partner. What does it give you? The possibility that neither Pfizer nor AstraZeneca gives you that these are two companies that they will make things easier. I’m not going to talk more about it because I’m convinced and I have information, ”she stressed.

But he continued, “The national partner, Pfizer said he couldn’t give it to him. Do you know why? Because if he gave him a national partner I did not do the speed chain I had to do for the millions of vaccines. “

“Faced with this, the contract was left on the desk of Ginés González García”, he declared, pointing harshly at the former minister. have to give explanations sometimes and started to lie, to say anything ”.

“They said the vaccine needed 80 degrees cold, then 20 degrees and five days in a refrigerator … That’s a lie. They even went so far as to say they asked for ice. continental.Everything for explain that there was no Argentinian partner “He reloaded the Bullrich inks, with particular hardness.

And he finished: the government decided prioritize something non-transparent when purchasing vaccines for Argentines “.

As he suggested, his theory of negotiation failure might have a judicial correlate and end with a complaint.



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