Time traveler arrived from the year 2582 and claims that in two days an “Earth clone” will be discovered | the Chronicle


A “Time traveler”, who declares that he traveled from year 2582, assured that the astronauts “they will discover a second Earth” next Saturday May 8. In the video posted by the user, graphics resembling sci-fi movies appear and he warned: “This is not a joke”.

The adventurer says “authentictimetraveler” at TIC Tac, posted a video on his account last Saturday, in which he reveals that something very important is going to happen next May 8, 2021.

According to the time traveler, they will discover an “Earth clone”, (video capture)

“This is no joke. On May 8, 2021, astronauts will discover a planet exactly like Earth, in our solar system,” the time traveler states in the clip.

And I add: “It will be an exact clone of our Earth, with a mirror effect.” He also explained that it will be the “first time” that humans find “another human life in the galaxy”.

His video is one of the most viewed on the social network and an example of this is that 48 hours after the video was posted he already had over 1.6M views and thousands of comments from its followers.

Among the many customer reviews are repeated frequently. “May 8th is near. Let’s see if your word is kept or not.” “Well, in seven days, and I don’t hear about it, I’ll be crazy.” or there are also those who use emojis to make fun of his prediction.

The time traveler “Authentictimetraveler” so far he has decided not to answer questions about it, however, he has mentioned that he will reveal his identity in Youtube if you get 10,000 subscribers on your channel.

This made his supporters question his attitude. Some even replied: “A time traveler worried about the number of subscribers?” “You are a time traveler, so why do you want the 10k sub?”

Interestingly, in recent days another Time traveler who also claimed to be of the year 2582, proposed a conspiracy theory that Earth would enter “three days of darkness” at 2026 and he warned people not to use artificial lighting during this time.

For his part, another man who also claims to come from the future, in this case of the year 2485 warned viewers that there will be a big discovery this year, to be more specific the next October 7, 2021.


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