They explicitly banned inclusive language in France


On this occasion, he took the opportunity to remember the circular of Edouard Philippe, writer and former French Prime Minister who had banned in 2017 the administrative use of inclusive writing, as can be seen in the video of the ‘time.

Now the French Minister of Education has pointed out: “We will clarify that this must also be applied for our educational uses.”

Goodbye inclusive language in France

Now it is a fact. “In the context of education, respect for grammatical and syntactic rules is essential” This is the basis of the circular published today in the Official Journal and signed by the official who addressed the rectors of the academy, the directors of the central administration and the staff of the Ministry of National Education.

“The use of so-called ‘inclusive’ writing, which notably uses the midpoint to simultaneously reveal the feminine and masculine forms of a word used in the masculine when used in a generic sense, should be prohibited”, the decree says verbatim

Promotion of the feminization of professions

This writing, he argues, “It is an obstacle to reading and understanding writing. The inability to transcribe texts verbally with this type of writing makes reading aloud, as well as pronunciation, and therefore, learning. , especially for the little ones “, adds the circular in France.

Finally, it can be read “This spelling may prevent children with certain disabilities or learning problems from accessing learning French.”

The circular also adds that inclusive language encourages the feminization of professions and functions: “The choice of examples or statements in a teaching situation must respect equality between girls and boys, both for the feminization of terms and for the fight against stereotypical representations”

The Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer concludes with irony as follows: “Thank you for ensuring that these common rules are respected, which contribute to the promotion and guarantee of equality between girls and boys (…) but also (must be done) of the fundamental issues of the transmission of our language”.

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