France bans inclusive language in schools


The French government, responsible for Emmanuel Macron, said that inclusive language is a barrier for pupils’ “reading and writing comprehension”, it cannot therefore be used as an alternative.

The circular from the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, then banned the use of inclusive language in all schools and establishments under this sector of government.

As reported RFI, the Minister’s argument revolves around the “complexity” and “instability” of this use of language which constitute “obstacles to the acquisition of language and reading” and affects reading aloud and pronunciation as a transcription is not possible. oral of this type of spelling.

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For this reason, the document emphasizes that “the use of the so-called inclusive script should be prohibited, which uses the midpoint to simultaneously show the feminine and masculine forms of a word used in the masculine when used in a generic sense. “

“Inclusive writing modifies compliance with the usual rules of concordance provided for in the framework of educational programs”, indicates the text published in the Official Journal on Thursday, May 6, in which the ban is established.

However, the circular specifies that the feminization of functions must be applied when they are carried out by women: “the title of the functions carried out by a woman must be systematically feminized according to the rules established in the guide to help the feminization of the names of professions, titles, diplomas and functions developed by the National Center for Scientific Research and National Institute of the French Language “.

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How does “inclusive” work in French

It should be noted that inclusive language does not work the same as in Spanish, as they do not use the ‘e’ but instead incorporate a female suffix into a male name through a period. For example, instead of “artisans” (artisans) or “farmers” (farmers), write “craftsmen” and “farmers” (the “e” is the female mark).

In this sense, a few days ago the official said that “putting dots in the middle of words is an obstacle to the transmission of our language for everyone, for example, for the dyslexic students“. We have the enormous challenge of consolidating fundamental knowledge and inclusive writing stands in the way of this challenge,” he said.

Contrary to this position, the LDS Education union said in a statement that it “demanded that the minister stop trying retrograde attitude towards the educational community“, And asked” the staff to ignore these instructions from another era and to exercise their full educational freedom according to their professional situation. “

Inclusive language in French
Inclusive language in French

Inclusive language: the debate in France and Argentina

In recent years, feminist groups have expressed that current language implies an “invisibility” of women and have championed the use of inclusive language.

However, the minister is not the first to want to ban this use, but rather followed the line of the French Academy of the language, which in October 2017 envisaged it. “An aberration.” A month later, the then Prime Minister, Edward Philippe, ordered to prohibit it in the texts and official acts.

In the case of our country, the inclusive language, despite a certain academic rejection, is more accepted, and even several organizations and public institutions such as PAMI, ANSES, the University of Buenos Aires and the Central Bank already use it. .


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