Her boyfriend told her he had coronavirus and was missing, he went to the police for help and they told him he “never existed”


The history of the American Kathrine verb It’s really unbelievable. Overnight, whatever her boyfriend has been for two years warned him that he had caught coronavirus and disappeared– Stopped answering your calls and answering your messages. Intrigued and frightened, Kathrine went to the police to report her disappearance. The unusual thing is that there they told her her boyfriend “didn’t exist”.

Verb, a popular user on Tik Tok, explained in a video posted on this social network that the couple are doing well and that they even see themselves having a future with him, with marriage and children.

Has met William James Khan via a dating app in 2018, when they both lived Honolulu Hawaii, for work matters. Will told her that he couldn’t see her often because her job – a business consultant – was supposed to take time. Therefore, they made the decision to reunite once a week, in hotels.

Together on Kathryn’s birthday in 2019 (Photo: TikTok @kathrynverb)

A few weeks after being together, Khan said something terrible to her: her mother, who lived in New Jersey, fell ill with cancer and therefore had to move to care for her. There he began a long-distance relationship, with some sporadic encounters.

“I was with him for two years and thought I was going to marry him and have his babies. Spend the rest of our life together. But then the Covid appeared and unfortunately he told me that he believed he had been infected, ”recalls the young woman.

He added: “He said he thought he was going to the hospital because he felt so bad, but then, miraculously, he started to feel better.” After that day, Kathrine never heard from her partner again., which led her to fear the worst.

“I never heard from him again. Suddenly he stopped answering all my calls, all my texts. A week later, her phone went straight to voicemail. I was scared and started calling the hospital, thinking that maybe something had happened and that he had been hospitalized there, but no, ”he continued.

After discovering that her partner had not been admitted to any of the local hospitals in the area, Kathrine decided to contact the police to tell them that her boyfriend was missing.

“I filed a missing person report, and do you know what they told me? They told me my boyfriend didn’t exist. So my boyfriend not only cheated on me by faking his death, but also he lied to me for two years about his real identity“, He explained.

After sharing her horrific experience online, Kathrine’s video garnered nearly 500,000 likes, and many TikTok users came to their own conclusions about what had happened to her.

“He was 100% married, then he had to work from home”one user suggested, while another commented, “You’ve probably dodged a serial killer. Ugh, thank goodness he’s gone! “

Meanwhile, others wondered if he had met a family member or a friend they could ask about his disappearance, however, in another video, Kathrine explained. they had no friends in commonbecause they both lived quite a distance away.


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