Voting in Peru: Pedro Castillo continues without announcing his government team and doubts grow in the business sector


Pedro Castillo
Pedro Castillo

“Ministers must be elected by their sector. The teachers will elect their Minister of Education, the farmers the Minister of Agriculture, the doctors their Minister of Health, because it is a question of leading the people and of governing for the people ”, promised Pedro Castillo. before the elections. On April 11, the leftist won the first presidential round, the campaign for the ballot is progressing but continues without giving details.

“We already have a convening plan so that the sectors give themselves spaces and offer their ministers to take up their functions from July 28,” he said. However, so far there is no unique name, only vague statements.

In dialogue with RPP news, the candidate said his technical team will not be “a closed circle” and, therefore, could be made up of people of different tendencies. “We figured out how to make a real and objective proposal for each of the needs. We don’t need copies, we don’t need any tracing. The Peruvian people must call for their best letters, their best men and women to move the country forward, while respecting the institutions, ”he declared without giving any indication.

“We are not here to position a party. We are not here to transfer people from a regional government who think Free Peru will lead those who were officials in the region to become ministers or vice-ministers. Peace of mind, here it is about the country, it is not about empowering individuals or people, ”he insisted.

The lack of concrete information generates more and more uncertainties. The days go by and he misses less and less for the second round scheduled for June 6, where Castillo could become president.

The problem lies in the lack of plans from the ultra-left. This is because even the program it advertises was written before the coronavirus pandemic broke out, so it does not include any mention of the disease or measures to combat it.

What we do know is his position as a Marxist and a Leninist, in tune with the other leftist regimes in the region. Entrepreneurs fear its most radicalized version will materialize, which aims to nationalize private companies in the mining, gas, oil, hydro-energy and communications sectors.

Peruvian presidential candidates Keiko Fujimori (i) and Pedro Castillo greet each other during a debate on May 1, 2021, in the northern province of Chota (Peru).  EFE / Aldair Mejía
Peruvian presidential candidates Keiko Fujimori (i) and Pedro Castillo greet each other during a debate on May 1, 2021, in the northern province of Chota (Peru). EFE / Aldair Mejía

The brain behind Castillo is the one that raises the most doubts: Vladimir Cerrón, a controversial former governor who was suspended from his post on a criminal conviction, accused of taking advantage of his position. Cerrón designed the government platform that Fuerza Popular advertises, represents the hard line and the bench of more than 30 elected MPs is more in tune with their positions.

Warning voices

The first to sound the alarm after a long period of silence was the Nobel Prize for Literature Mario Vargas Llosa. A recognized anti-Fujimorist and one of his country’s most respected – and expected – opinions, the writer was very blunt: “A government of Castillo would be a real disaster.”

It would not take much more to indicate that Pedro Castillo’s Peru will integrate the countries which, following the Mexican government, want to resurrect the Puebla group and break with the group called Lima. In other words, it will go back to that inaugurated by Commander Chávez in Venezuela, the socialism of the twenty-first century, which forced more than five million Venezuelans to emigrate to neighboring countries so as not to die of hunger, ”he said. -he explains. .

Jaime Bayly in his show “7X7” also analyzed the plans of Vladimir Cerrón, whom he considers “the ideological boss” of Castillo. “What a danger to listen to the ideological boss of Pedro Castillo, Mr. Vladimir Cerrón, talk about Venezuela and how Venezuela should be a model to perpetuate itself in power,” he said. “He says we’re going to come to power and we’re never going to give up power. It is the communist model, the Chavist model, which is dangerous for Peruvians to vote for this model, ”he added.

“My great fear is that the majority of the 2 million, or nearly 800,000 Peruvians who voted for him on Sunday, do not know that if Castillo comes to power, it will be another Venezuela. They dream that Castillo will improve their life and I suspect it is the other way around, ”he said.

The latest survey, from the Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP), reveals that the intention to vote for the left lost five percentage points in May, compared to the previous month and after the debate he proposed to his rival in the town of Chota. Meanwhile, Fujimori rose 8.5 percentage points in May, after adding support from other conservative parties and resuming an intense campaign program.


Civil and Church organizations in Peru have asked Pedro Castillo and Keiko Fujimori to publicly promise that they will step down when their term ends

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