The peeled would be more likely to suffer serious photos of Covid-19 | the Chronicle


Many myths have been generated around the Covid 19 so far in the pandemic, but unbelievable as it sounds, scientists have found a possible relationship between baldness and severe symptoms of coronavirus.

The team of experts studied 65 men diagnosed with the infection at a hospital in California and they discovered that the 79% suffered from androgenetic alopecia or common baldness, a percentage which for men in their age group is normally between 31% and 53%. It was the first indication that bald men are more likely to be hospitalized for Covid.

Baldness is controlled by a gene called WITH, which affects the body’s sensitivity to the presence of androgens (hormones such as testosterone). After analyzing the genetics of the subjects, the specialists concluded that men with certain structural differences in their AR gene tend to develop more severe cases coronavirus.

Similar studies in Madrid found that 79% of men admitted to 3 different hospitals are bald.

The research leader and medical director of applied biology, Andy Goren, he claimed: “Our data shows that longer AR CAG scores are associated with more serious Covid-19 disease“.

The expert also proposed the incorporation of baldness as a risk indicator, indicating that the differences in the AR gene that cause it “could be used as a biomarcador to help identify male patients with Covid-19 increased risk of being admitted to the ICU“.

Gender gap in deaths from Covid

Scientists had hoped that the California study would offer a possible answer to the gender gap registered in the coronavirus deaths. Since the start of the pandemic over a year ago, it is estimated that male patients are twice as likely succumb to the disease.

However, the US study found similarities between bald men and women. women who lose their hair due to androgens regarding the severity of the coronavirus images, the question of gender therefore remains unanswered.


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