She Set Her Newborn Baby On Fire Because She Was “Embarrassed” That Her Pregnancy Was Discovered | the Chronicle


A 24-year-old woman was arrested for torched and killed her newborn son in Anápolis, 55 kilometers from Goiânia. According to police sources, the young woman said she committed the crime because she was too embarrassed that her pregnancy had been discovered.

The accident episode was discovered when a pedestrian saw a dog dragging the charred body down a street in the Cerejeiras neighborhood. Security cameras captured the moment the woman exits the car with her son in a cardboard box and walks into the wasteland. Then take a gallon of rubbing alcohol to set the baby’s body on fire.

During questioning at Homicide Investigation Group (GIH) headquarters, the baby’s mother revealed that her father lives abroad and her mother is bedridden.

Meanwhile, the young woman’s boyfriend told reporters that after learning of the pregnancy, they decided she should have an abortion. However, that never happened, so he denounces that she lied to him. Meanwhile, justice is investigating whether the young man is involved in the episode, but he has not been arrested.

The woman arrested in Brazil for setting her newborn baby on fire.

The corpse was submitted for an autopsy by the Legal Medical Institute (IML), which must be ready within 15 days.

The mother was quickly identified as the baby was still wearing the hospital ID bracelet.

Security cameras were able to record the moment the woman exits her car, supposedly with her son in a cardboard box, which she later burns with alcohol.


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