Which country has vaccinated its entire adult population and has had no cases of Covid-19


The small pacific island Nauru, have the “world record” vaccination against Covid-19, since its entire adult population has received a first dose. As if that wasn’t enough, this is one of the few countries in the world to have so far did not register a case coronavirus.

The government of Nauru has indicated that it is administering the first dose of AstraZeneca 7,932 people, a number that represents around the 63% of total of the inhabitants of the island. Therefore, it is expected that by early July the entire adult population will have received the second dose.

The island has received doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine through the Covax program, the initiative to ensure equitable access to covid-19 vaccination in at least 200 countries. (Photo: Adobe Stock)

“The task force in charge of the fight against the coronavirus welcomes this world record and thanks all the inhabitants who have contributed to the fact that Nauru remains a place without COVID-19”, announced the government in a statement.

Kieren Keke, of Parliament from Nauru, acknowledged that the smallest island state in the world he was fortunate to have sufficient doses to vaccinate its entire adult population, while asserting that the population will continue to be tested.

The deputy added that “on the arrival of any traveler, there is the risk of the coronavirus entering Nauru and recent events Papua New Guinea, Fiji e India they have shown how quickly the situation can change ”.

For his part, the president of this island, Lionel aingimea, said that Nauru “Not only is it free from Covid-19”, but in a few months it would be “the only country in the world to be 100% protected by vaccination ”.

The island received doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine thanks to the program Covax, the initiative to ensure equitable access to vaccination against covid-19 at least 200 countries.


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