Justice ordered Matías Morla to hand over the original documents on the assets and accounts of Diego Maradona


Matías Morla has been summoned by the courts (Photo: Matías Morla).

This Friday, justice summoned Matías Morla to deliver the original documentation on the heritage and accounts of Diego Armando Maradona on physical media. Morla is to present the information on the heritages of the Ten in the United Arab Emirates, Cuba, Venezuela, Switzerland, Belarus, Italy, Mexico and any other destination.

The decision was taken by the civil judge of La Plata Luciana Tedesco del Rivero, which deals with the estate of Maradona.

The heirs of the Ten, through their lawyers, requested original documentation. Morla had delivered digitized information on January 23. It is scheduled for June 1 at 8:30 a.m.

MORLA. Former lawyer for Diego Maradona (Photo: AFP).

On the other hand, the Argentine justice ordered Matías Morla stop using brands which allude to Maradona, in the context of proceedings brought against him by the daughters of the star, confirmed to EFE sources related to the case.

As a precautionary measure, Judge Alejandra Provitola decided to paralyze the use of the marks alluding to Maradona – all owned by the company Sattvica, created by Morla – after the prosecution warned that this company “A total of 147 registration requests trademarks linked to Maradona (name, pseudonyms and image) with the National Institute of Intellectual Property (INPI) ”.

This happened despite the fact that the player was already dead and there were legal proceedings opened with the heirs.

The case was opened after the complaint filed by the Diez daughters, who accuse Morla of alleged fraud. “The 147 marks were ratifications of previous ones which have been requested since December”, according to “INPI requests”, he said EFE Mauricio D’Alessandro, attorney for the lawyer, who stated that they appealed against the measure of the judge.

The judge already had ordered the registration of the law firm Morla and the ban on the Sattvica brand. At the same time, last March, a precautionary measure planned not to innovate in brands already registered with the INPI in favor of Sattvica.

Following the opinion of the prosecutor, the magistrate decided “to extend the order prohibiting innovation and procurement” to all trademark applications “related to the name, pseudonyms and representation of the company. ‘image of Diego Armando Maradona, in all its variants (denominational, figurative and mixed), in particular those which are currently being processed before the INPI ”.

And that the ban weighs “whether or not they are in the territory of the Argentine Republic“.

The firm Sattvica SA was created by Morla on June 11, 2015, but the daughters of Maradona denounced that it was a “rubber stamp” to “appropriate all the brands” of the football star and refuse to return it to its owners.


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