Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on May 17th | Facts …


In May 17th birthday These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out.

1863. It is published in Vigo Galician songs, a collection of poems by a 26-year-old writer born in Santiago de Compostela. All the poems are written in Galician. Its author is called Rosalía de Castro, who will live until 1885, when, at the age of 48, she died of cancer in the city of Padrón. The influence of Galician songs makes May 17 the day of the Galician letters and a public holiday throughout Galicia.

1866. Birth of the French composer Erik Satie. He dabbled in impressionism and minimalism. He left a hundred works. His piano production stands out, which includes the Bureaucratic sonatina, the Gnossians and the three Gymnopedies. Before his death in 1925, he published an autobiographical book with an unrivaled title: Memories of an amnesiac.

1936. Actor and director Dennis Hopper was born. He started his career as a young man and has been seen in two of James Dean’s three films: Rebel without cause Yes Giant. Later appeared in Kathy Elder’s children Yes The legend of the indomitable. In 1969, he wrote, directed and starred (alongside Peter Fonda and Jack Nicholson) in one of the main counterculture films of the 1960s: Easy rider, known in Spanish as I’m looking for my fate. He was nominated for an Oscar for the screenplay of this film. In 1986 he aspired to the Oscar as a supporting actor for Hossiers. That same year he was the villain of Blue velvet. In 1994 he was seen in the box office hit Maximum speed. He was also a photographer. He died in 2010.

1980. Shining Path enters the scene in Peru. Maoist guerrillas appear in society on the eve of the elections which restore democracy in the country after twelve years of military dictatorship. Peruvians consecrate President Fernando Belaúnde Terry on May 18; the day before, a group of shippers burned ballot boxes and voting cards in the town of Chuschi. The vandals are arrested and you can vote normally. However, it was the start of the insurgency, which would lead to years of violence. The Shining Path will come to control vast rural areas. Their action generates state violence against peasants. The group was disbanded in 1992, when its leader, Abimael Guzmán, was captured.

1990. The World Health Organization removes homosexuality from its list of psychiatric disorders. In this way, the body ceases to consider sick gays, which is stipulated since its creation in 1948. Behind and in repudiation, there is the use of hormonal therapies and electroshock to try to “cure” homosexuals. . This date is remembered each year as the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.

2009. Uruguayan writer Mario Benedetti dies in Montevideo. He was 88 years old. He was born in Paso de los Toros in 1920. Author of short stories such as Montevideans, published, among other novels, Truce Yes Thanks for the fire (both taken to the cinema by Sergio Renán). His extensive poetic work includes the three volumes of Inventory, Burn the ships, The house and the brick, Haiku Corner Yes Self defense. Joan Manuel Serrat set his poems to music in The south also exists. He received the Reina Sofía Prize for Ibero-American Poetry in 1999.

2013. Jorge Rafael Videla dies at the age of 87 in Marcos Paz prison, where he was serving life imprisonment for crimes against humanity committed during the dictatorship he led. Born in Mercedes in 1925, he became head of the army in 1975. On March 24, 1976, he led the military coup against Isabel Perón. His regime has committed massive human rights violations. He left power in 1981. Pursued by decree 158 of Raúl Alfonsín, he sat on the dock during the historic trial of the chambers held in 1985. Justice sentenced him to life imprisonment and Carlos Menem has him. pardoned in 1990. Eight years later he was arrested for stealing babies. The pardons were then canceled. He went to a common prison with the conviction received in 2010 for crimes committed in Cordoba, to which was added in 2012 another conviction for theft of babies.

It is also the day of the Navy; and World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.


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