New York announced that vaccinated people should no longer use masks


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Monday that starting Wednesday, those who have been vaccinated can stop using masks to protect themselves from the coronavirus (Reuters)
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Monday that starting Wednesday, those who have been vaccinated can stop using masks to protect themselves from the coronavirus (Reuters)

Vaccinated New Yorkers Can Ditch Face Masks Even Inside City Marathon new York come back and the Radio City Music Hall will reopen to vaccinated audiences, the governor announced on Monday Andrew Cuomo in a series of announcements aimed at accelerating the reopening of the state.

Back to life“, He said Cuomo, speaking of the large auditorium of the Radio City Music Hall. “If you are vaccinated, you are safe. No masks. No social distancing“. After a delay of several days, Cuomo says state is adopting new mask guide that Centers for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC) released last week.

the unvaccinated and immunocompromised people should continue to wear a mask and maintain social distancing, but people who have completed their series of vaccinations are no longer required to do so from Wednesday. Masks will still be necessary for everyone in some settings, such as schools and nursing homes.

Cuomo made the announcement a few hours after the night shift in the city’s metro new York picked up for the first time in over a year as the city continued to emerge from the coronavirus. New cases of the virus have fallen statewide in recent weeks, down 78% since the end of March.

the New York Marathonsaid the governor, he will come back on November 7. For now, the capacity is limited to 33,000 runners, but Cuomo said the restriction could change in the coming months if things continue to improve.

the Radio City Music Hall will reopen in June at full capacity, but only for those vaccinated, with a red carpet event for the TriBeCa Film Festival.

The city’s two professional basketball teams, the Knicks and the NetsThey will also be able to increase the participation capacity for the next playoff games, with most of the seats being reserved for people who have been vaccinated. The governor previously announced that many restrictions on businesses would be relaxed on Wednesday, including rules that previously limited occupancy.

As for the reopening of the metro, the first morning of uninterrupted rail service went well, said the president of the Metropolitan transport authority, Pat Foye.

We are very happy to bring back the 24/7 service“, He said Hearth on the radio WIN. “It is important for the New York economy, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, etc., to get customers and employees to and from, and it is also important from a point of view. psychological view.“.

The system was shut down between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. effective April 30, 2020 so that trains and stations could be disinfected. The night shutdown was reduced from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. in February.

The mayor Bill de Blasio He said on Monday the city would add an additional 250 police officers to the metro system to tackle an upsurge in crime, including several cuts last week.

Hearth said the MTA would send another 100 of its own agents and 100 other private security contractors to the system to complement the presence of the New York Police Department.

(With information from The Associated Press) .-


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