Hero: Saved a hanging girl from a sixth floor from falling into the void


A man became a hero when He put his life in danger to save a two-year-old girl, left hanging from a balcony at the height of the sixth floor. The incident took place in China’s Hunan Province.

The girl would have come alone to the balcony when her parents were leaving the room for a few minutes. According to the newspaper Morning Message from South China, the little girl is mounted on the back of an armchair near the window and she lost her balance, causing her to fall head first between the protective bars.

Seeing that the girl was hanging upside down and that at any moment she could slide down to the ground from that height, a neighbor climbed onto a ledge to hold him up and spent ten minutes holding him while the firefighters arrived. Although the little girl was not injured, rescuers had to cut bars to get her out of where she was trapped.


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