Historic governors’ election marks Chile’s official triple defeat – telam


While the numbers of the process were known, Piñera made a mea culpa on the national channel.

While the numbers of the process were known, Piera made a mea culpa for the national channel.

The election of governors, in the framework of the complex elections held this weekend in Chile, sealed the threefold defeat of the ruling party, which added to the debacles of voters and mayors a meager result in the regions of the coalition ” Chile Vamos “, a result that complicates the future electoral aspirations of this force, as well as the last section of President Sebastin Piera.

The process allows you to choose for the first time at the polls regional governors from all over the country, a new post which replaces the mayors, who until now were appointed by the President of the Republic.

With 99.89% of the polls scrutinized, out of the 16 regional governorates of Valparaso and the south of Aysn and Magallanes, there are already three winners, after having exceeded 40% of the votes, while a poll will take place in the 13 other regions.

Of the three governorates already defined, Valparaso corresponds to the Front Large, while Aysn to the Socialist Party and Magallanes to the pact of independent constituent unit, all opposition coalitions, according to the results published on the website of the electoral commission.

The law indicates that for these elections to the governors, the winner is proclaimed who has 40% or more votes (in case he is the only one) or 50% plus one, otherwise a second round is organized, as would happen in 13 of the 16 Chilean regions.

“The citizen has sent us a clear and strong message to the government and to all traditional political forces. We are not listening to the demands and wishes of the citizen”

Sebastin Piera

In the poll to be held next Sunday, June 13, the ruling party was only able to place candidates in eight regions.but in none of them does he have a sufficient advantage to assure him the triumph.

On Sunday evening, with the numbers for the process out, Piera made a mea culpa on the national channel.

“The citizen sent us a clear and strong message to the government and to all the traditional political forces. We are not listening to the requests and wishes of the citizen,” said the president, escorted by his cabinet.

In this 2021, a great electoral year for Chileans, The second round of governors remains to be held, on June 13, the presidential and parliamentary primaries, on July 18, the presidential and parliamentary elections, presidential primary, parliamentarians and regional councilors, on November 21 and, if necessary, a presidential poll on December 19.

In all, Between Saturday May 15 and Sunday May 16 of this mega-election, 6,458,760 people voted, or nearly 43% of the electoral lists total allowed to participate in these elections, which reached 14,900,190.

The figure is lower than the participation in the constitutional plebiscite of October 25, 2020, where 7,569,082 voters exercised their right to vote, which represents 50.9% of the total register.


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