Panic and mystery over sudden jolt of 300-meter skyscraper in China


It is one of the many mega towers of the Chinese city of Shenzhen, but very distinguished: it is the SEG Plaza, It is 300 meters high and houses offices on 79 floors. Suddenly he began to tremble.

Local authorities they checked the weather data and they crossed information with various agencies to identify the cause of the indito tremor, but they found nothing to understand why the building was swaying this noon.

In any case, they organized the immediate evacuation of the skyscraper, although many people were already running without any official indication, due to the sheer panic generated by the tremor. And in the neighboring streets, people hua, bewildered, at rush hour passers-by.

SEG Plaza was built 21 years ago and represents Shenzhen Electronics Group (SEG), a famous Chinese company which manufactures electronic and semiconductor products. The company has offices in the building which is itself a large electronics market and Shenzhen itself is a technology hub, home to other gignates such as Huawei and Tencent.

“After checking and analyzing the data from the various earthquake monitoring stations in the city, today there was no earthquake in shenzhen. Several departments are in the process of verifying the cause of the earthquake, ”confirmed the authorities, and stressed that the wind was blowing at 43 kilometers per hour, which is insufficient to generate the earthquake.


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