Scare in China: A skyscraper started to move and they thought it was collapsing


A Skyscraper was evacuated amidst the chaos after movement witnesses without being registered in the zone seismic movements. The phenomenon occurred in Shenzhen, south-east of China, where the building of almost 300 meters high graded for reasons hitherto unknown to the authorities.

According to local media, this is the SEG Plaza, a construction that completed in 2000, and where several electronics stores, hotels and offices converge. That city’s Emergency Management Office told reporters it had received reports that SEG Plaza, the 70-story building, was shaking, the authorities therefore decided to investigate the situation.

As it happened, weather local showed that wind speed in the city was around 27 kilometers per hour around 1:50 p.m. on Tuesday, when the event was recorded. In this way, the authorities of the local emergency office indicated that it was unlikely that it would shake the building as well as other buildings with similar characteristics.

Scare in China by the mysterious quake of a skyscraper

Shenzhen stands out for its commerce and electronics. There are the headquarters of Tencent and Huawei. In addition, it has the fourth tallest skyscraper in the world: the Ping An Finance Center with 599,1 meters and considered the second highest in China. They are followed by KK100 with 441.8 meters and the China Resources Headquarters, among 25 others where the SEG Plaza who was the protagonist of this strange event.

Once the construction sway has been recorded, surrounding buildings had to be evacuated, so this generated chaos in the immediate vicinity. Since 2020, China prohibited the construction of buildings over 500 meters in height, a restriction already in place in some cities such as Beijing.


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