Femicide ate bodies and preserved them in salt: terrifying confession of the Mexican serial killer | the Chronicle


Mexican authorities arrested Andres Mendoza, a suspected serial killer who allegedly confessed to various atrocities committed in over 20 years. Investigators found in his house from videos in which he saw him killing his victims at all kinds of “Cordially”.

His neighbors in Lomas de San Miguel, Mexico, know him as “The Chinese“After an investigation into the disappearance of Reyna Gonzalez AmadorInvestigators found him and detained him at his home in Atizapán de Zaragoza. Upon entering the property, they found a panorama of horror.

Experts worked in the house of the alleged serial femicide where they found buried remains (Gentileza El País de México).

During a large police deployment, officers from at least three security forces, as well as firefighters, officials from the prosecutor’s office for femicide, and city police chase dogs broke into the house. man with a court decision. They found human remains in a basement and buried in one of the rooms of the house.“, he pointed The country.

The first thing they encountered on the table was “a hand and a foot that belonged to the woman they were looking for“he assured The universal. The 72-year-old inmate confessed to killing at least 15 women and even eating some of their remains.

What they found in the home of Mexico’s suspected serial femicide

According to some information which has been unofficially leaked to the local press, They would have found bags of salt which would allow the old man to keep the corpses. This product, by absorbing all the water, prevents bacteria from multiplying and breaking down what is meant to be stored.

After the work of the experts, it was announced that they had found in the horror building, skeletal remains, wallets, makeup, women’s clothing, jewelry and female identifications. They would even have kidnapped with notebooks containing the names of the victims.

Here are some of the identifications found in the house (Twitter @ c4jimenez).

On the other hand, they found about twenty videotapes in which the accused recorded himself committing each murder. “It was possible to locate various skeletal remains at this location, along with voter credentials and various women’s clothing, shoes and bags, as well as other evidence such as notebooks with different names, videotapes and make-up.“, They assured in the official statement of the prosecutor’s office of the State of Mexico.

What will happen to the alleged serial killer

The man was taken to a prison in Tlalnepantla, while the prosecutor in charge of investigating gender crimes, Dilcya Garcia, confirmed that he was already charged.

In the looted house, they found all kinds of women’s belongings (Gentileza El País).

We have found evidence that leads us to assume that it may be a serial femicide“, Sentenced the lawyer.

Watch the video of the arrest of Andrés Mendoza and the expert report that was carried out at his home


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