WHO Defines Which Vaccines Are Effective Against “All Variants” Of Coronavirus


Currently available and approved vaccines are effective against “all variants” of the coronavirus., assured this Thursday the World Health Organization (WHO), who nevertheless asked to continue to act “cautiously” in the face of the disease.

While the health situation is improving in Europe, the evolution of the pandemic does not yet allow the safe resumption of international travel by “a persistent threat and new uncertainties”, he warned Hans Kluge, WHO Director for Europe.

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“It’s an unpredictable threat”, assured Catherine Smallwood, responsible for emergency situations at WHO Europe, as “the pandemic has not ended“quoted the news agency AFP.

According to the organization’s data, across the region (which extends to part of Central Asia), the number of new cases fell by 60% in one month, going from 1.7 million in mid-April to 685,000 last week.

We are going in the right direction, but we must be vigilant. The increase in mobility, physical interactions and meetings can lead to an increase in transmission in Europe, ”insisted the regional director, who however clarified that essential travel was still authorized.

It is recommended: “The reduction of social restrictions must be carried out in parallel with an increase in detection, tracing and vaccination.”

“There is no zero risk”, Kluge reiterates the aggregate: “Vaccines may be a light at the end of the tunnel, but we cannot let ourselves be blinded by this light. “

So far, WHO has included the global list of emergency uses for Pfizer-BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and Sinopharm vaccines. Sinovac and Sputnik V are also expected to be approved in the coming weeks.


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