Iranian director killed and dismembered by his parents for remaining single


the Iranian filmmaker Babak Khorramdin, recognized in his country for having directed several short films, was murdered by his parents after discussing with them his status as a single person.

I do not feelO no regrets “, said the father, confessing the crime.

Khorramdin’s father confessed drugged and realized to his son. Later, with the help of his wife, he dismembered the body and distributed it in garbage bags and a suitcase in Ekbatan, western Tehran. Local press says it was an “honor killing”.

Iranian director Babak Khorramdin-20210520
Residing in London, Babak Khorramdin was 47, graduated from the University of Tehran in 2009 with a master’s degree in cinema.

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As reported by Iranian media Tasmin News Yes Rokna news, the principal’s body was found in a trash can. Iranian police said they found evidence of the murder in the family home, including a bloodied knife and machete.

Resident in London, Babak Khorramdin I had 47 years, graduated from the University of Tehran in 2009 with a master’s degree in cinema. After moving to London in 2010, he returned to the Islamic Republic of Iran to teach film students.

“My son was single. He harassed us. Our lives were on the line. We weren’t safe for a day. He we cursed and did what he wanted. His mother and I decided to lose our reputation, ”said a lawyer, citing the accused father.

Iranian director Babak Khorramdin-20210520
Khorramdin’s father confessed to drugging and executing his son. Later, with the help of his wife, he dismembered the body and distributed it in garbage bags and a suitcase in Ekbatan.

As reported BBC Persian, the head of Tehran’s criminal court said after the marriage was arrested that the two They confessed to killing the family’s son-in-law in 1390 [1970] and the daughter of the family in 1397 [1977] in the same way, that is to say dismember the body and put it in the trash “.

The journalist of Bloomberg Golnar Motevalli, for his part, wrote on Twitter that the father told the court “I have no remorse”. The people I killed had a high level of moral corruption “, he hears it say in a video posted on Twitter.

Jason Brodsky, editor of Iran International TVHe said: “I think the horrific death of Babak Khorramdin is just the latest example of a long pattern of domestic violence that we have seen in Iran.” And he recalled the cases of Ali Fazeli Monfared, murdered by his family after discovering he was gay, and Romina Ashfrafi, 14, beheaded by her father in another “honor” crime.


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