Fabiola Yañez met the Pope in Rome


With the presence of Fabiola Yáñez, ALMA coordinator, and in virtual connection with the First Ladies of Brazil, Chile, Honduras, Panama and the Dominican Republic, the official launch of the “Latin American Youth Network for Care of the common house ”has been done. “. This training program for young people will give them socio-environmental leadership tools and skills to take care of the environment. Using this network, they will identify the region’s greatest challenges and create impact initiatives to transform them.

This program will initially have a meeting and an educational activity in Misiones, Argentina, next September, where the First Ladies will be present, as well as some young people from each country.

first lady of vatican

Together, and in accordance with the gesture that Father Jorge Bergoglio made in the Plaza de Mayo in 2001, to carry earth to plant an olive tree, symbolically, the First Ladies made a hole in the earth, so that creativity and solidarity can be reborn of young people for a better world.

Fabiola Yáñez, while carrying out the action, expressed to Pope Francis: “Dear Holy Father, it is a great honor for me, a great joy, to be able to be here today on behalf of all my colleagues. from Latin America and also this gesture with which I will begin, it is a gesture that means that from creativity, from this moment of rebirth, we can build union, solidarity and above all that all the peoples of the world are healing themselves emotionally. I ask for my country first because it is something that we need, we must be united because as we have already said, no one is saved alone“.

The world directors of Scholas, José María del Corral and Enrique Palmeyro, thanked the First Ladies for the support that young people receive in their respective countries to develop a meaningful education.

During the meeting, it was the occasion for Scholas Ocurrentes to inaugurate three new places: Washington, United States; Valencia, Spain – where there were more than 1,500 young people gathered in a football stadium – and Sydney in Australia, with this latest opening, the presence on five continents is over.

There was also a special inauguration in Argentina, a place in the impenetrable Chaco. From there, the provincial governor, Jorge Capitanich, accompanied by the young people who will benefit from it, was present.

first lady of vatican

At the end of the meeting, Pope Francis addressed all those present: “Thank you for taking the risk, because without that Scholas could not be, without this attitude of risk and to go further . Only by risking can you experience the gratification and reach that third level of Sentido University, which is to celebrate. Thank you for the courage, the bravery and the road traveled, do not be afraid. Be afraid to stand still and fossilized, keep going. Thank you for daring to cross borders “

Scholas Occurrentes is an International Organization of Pontifical Law present in 190 countries on five continents and which through its network integrates half a million establishments and educational networks. Its mission is to respond to the call to create a culture of encounter, to bring together young people in an education that generates meaning.

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