Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Lula da Silva shared their concern over Jair Bolsonaro’s handling at the helm of Brazil


Lula met Fernando Henrique Cardoso
Lula met Fernando Henrique Cardoso

Former Presidents of Brazil Lula da silva Yes Fernando Henrique Cardoso placeholder image expresses their concern about the management of the current president, Jair Bolsonaro, ahead of Brazil. “At the invitation of the former minister Nelson jobim, former President Lula and former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso met for lunch with a lot of democracy on the menu, ”it was reported via the official Twitter account of the leader of the Workers’ Party.

And it was added: “Former presidents had a long conversation about Brazil, our democracy and the Bolsonaro government’s neglect in the face of the pandemic“.

The meeting between the former leaders took place after last March Cardoso (1995-2002) said he would vote for Lula in a possible ballot against Bolsonaro.

“I don’t know if Lula will have the conditions to be a candidate or if he would be the best candidate, but if it is between him or (President Jair) Bolsonaro, I would vote for, I would vote for the least worstSaid Cardoso, of the Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB), a force which co-governed with Michel Temer after the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff.

In declarations to the site Twitter, Cardoso praised Lula in March: “He was formed by the necessities of life, which counts and made a correct speech, touching the fundamental points on the right», Expressed after the intervention of the metallurgist after the decision of the justice of his country, who canceled all the sentences that weighed on him for Lava Jato.

Part of the PSDB parliamentary base and several governors, including Joao Doria, from San Pablo, supported Bolsonaro in the second round in place of Fernando Haddad, the candidate of Lula’s Workers’ Party.

Cardoso suggested differentiating himself further from Bolsonaro in his two possible PSDB candidates, Doria and Rio Grande do Sul governor Eduardo Leite, in order to have a chance in 2022, given that the two clashed due to differences in policies to combat the pandemic.

Cardoso said in January he regretted not voting for Haddad in 2018 and doing so in white, especially since Bolsonaro, in the 1990s, asserted that the sociologist deserved to be assassinated for having privatized the state mining company Vale do Rio Doce.

Jair Bolsonaro (REUTERS / Adriano Machado)
Jair Bolsonaro (REUTERS / Adriano Machado)

Lula would also vote for Cardoso instead of Bolsonaro

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva praised Fernando Henrique Cardoso in the last hours, for whom he would vote at the pollshe said, in place of current leader Jair Bolsonaro.

The founder of the Workers’ Party said he liked the interview Cardoso gave to journalist Pedro Bial and that he always had a “civilized conflict“With the former president, with whom he ran for two presidential elections, in 1994 and 1998, and lost in both.

I am happy to say that I would vote for myself, I would do the same if it was the other way around. He has always been an intellectual and knows that you cannot invent a candidacy“Said Lula.

In dialogue with the communicator, Cardoso clarified that, between the PT and the retired military, he would vote for the first in next year’s presidential elections, when assessing Lula is a Democrat who respects republican institutions.

He noted that he would like to “vote calmlyAgainst Bolsonaro’s re-election and that if a strong third-tier candidate does not run in 2022, he would vote for the PT.

He admitted that “as a person, Lula is astute. Since I met him I have been surprised by his ability. It understands on the spot, and it also changes on the spot. He is fast. You don’t have to read, you understand it, ”he said at another point in the interview.


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