They found at least 14 bodies buried in the house of a former policeman


He was on the run with a rape case. Authorities believe he killed to satisfy his “sexual deviations” and on demand. (Photo: AFP / TV capture).

A forensic team withdrew on Thursday the the remains of at least 14 people killed by a gang led by a former policeman who buried the victims at their home in the west The Savior.

The former agent, Hugo Ernesto Osorio Chávez, was arrested on May 8 in the town of Chalchuapa, about 90 km west of San Salvador. He was wanted for the murders of a woman and her daughter. But while investigating his house, officers found mass graves.

According to local media, Osorio is a former member of the National Civil Police (PNC), who was removed from his post in 2010 after being convicted of the crime of rape for which he served a 5-year sentence. In addition, had a valid arrest warrant for rape worsen.

The police are guarding the former officer’s house. (Photo: REUTERS / José Cabezas).

Justice and Security Minister Gustavo Villatoro said on Wednesday “around 14 bodies were separately identified during the searches”.

In the identification process, according to Villatoro, the Institute of Forensic Medicine will take DNA tests from residents of the area who “are looking for their loved ones”.

On a Facebook page, authorities asked citizens to post data on missing relatives, as they believe one of them may have been the victim of the former policeman. And there was already at least 20 complaints.

A coroner searches for evidence of the crimes at Osorio Chávez’s home. (Photo: REUTERS / José Cabezas).

According to publications, the most recent disappearance is that of 20-year-old Gabriela Ortiz, who was last seen on April 16. Others correspond to 2020, like Juan Azenón, who died in August; Jorge Ruiz, in October; Josué Cárcamo, in April 2019; Maycol Orellana, also in April 2019; Carlos Pineda, in July 2018; and Braulio Bonilla, in April 2017, among others.

Among the messages you can read: “My brother Olvin Eduardo Lemus disappeared on April 2, 2019 and we don’t know anything about him. We trust in God that we will find him ”.

The Minister of Justice celebrated that the first justice of the peace of Chalchuapa on Wednesday ordered the pre-trial detention of 11 people linked to the “psychopath” and that they were accused of “Aggravated femicide and aggravated homicide”.

“Preventively, we captured these 11 people, precisely to have the elements that link the homicides to us because he killed for his sexual deviations and he also killed on demandIt is psychopathic behavior by this serial murderer, ”Villatoro said, referring to the accused, moments after his capture.

Marleny Barrientos shows a photo of her son, who disappeared two months ago. (Photo: REUTERS / José Cabezas).

House 11 on Callejón Estévez, where the former policeman lived and which is opposite a sugar cane plantation, continues guarded by police and army and journalists do not have access to the area.

Forensic criminologist Israel Ticas said they will continue with searches in other parts of the house and believes this work may continue for more than a month.

El Salvador closed 2020 with 1322 homicides, an average of 20 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, a significant reduction from 2019 and the lowest figure since the end of the civil war in 1992, according to official statistics.


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