Joe Biden would announce the release of 80 million j …


North American newspapers report that Joe Biden resumes his duties at the White House this Monday, after the weekend in the Camp David country residence. A widespread rumor is that Biden would make the vaccine announcement Monday, a total of 80 million that the United States would allow to export to other countries. The Argentine Ambassador to Washington, Jorge Argüello, was briefed by the State Department (the North American Chancellery), that the country will be able to access part of this lot, but the numbers and when the doses would be available were not specified.

The 80 million doses consist of 60 million Oxford / AstraZeneca stored in the north of the country, but not authorized for application, and 20 million Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, which are authorized. President Alberto Fernández agreed a month ago with Biden’s delegate who came to Argentina, Juan González, that at least those from AstraZeneca be released. Sometimes the laboratory has never presented the documentation to authorize the vaccine in the United States, so the doses are kept and not applied. As is known, Oxford / AstraZeneca was concentrated in the UK and today in the British Isles the average number of deaths is six (6) per day, while in January it was 1234 per day .

Biden is expected to announce when and how many doses will be released and which countries will be able to purchase them. It is clear that the Washington government is trying to respond to criticisms of inequity in vaccine distribution, but, furthermore, almost all scientific publications maintain that the epidemic will not end until there is will have no global vaccination. Variations can occur in any country that will sooner or later affect others.


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