Keiko Fujimori asked to vote to defend Peru from terrorism after brutal attack attributed to Shining Path: 14 dead


In the picture, Peruvian presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori.  EFE / Sebastián Castañeda / POOL / Archives
In the picture, Peruvian presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori. EFE / Sebastián Castañeda / POOL / Archives

Peruvian presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori on Monday he asked his compatriots to Go vote to defend your country against attempts to destabilize the remains of the Shining Path terrorist group, who killed 14 people on Monday in a jungle area in central Peru.

Today more than ever, we must defend our country and go and vote with great serenity on June 6, for the option that you create, but the important thing is to defend this democratic process ”, invoked the candidate of the popular party of Fuerza after having participated in a proselytizing activity in the Amazon of the country.

Fujimori, who will contest the Peruvian presidency with the left Pedro Castillo, rejection “categorically this attack“And regretted”deeply that bloody acts are happening again in our country“.

The place where the attack took place
The place where the attack took place


After expressing her “sincere condolences to the families” of the victims, the candidate declared that “what terrorist groups seek is to cripple us, is to generate fear and we must not allow it“.

You should never be afraid of this type of attack“, He said before rejecting”feverish innuendos from some people“Which, he says, is trying to”profit politically“The terrorist attack to bind him to his political group.

“Please, we must not allow such desperate acts. Faced with this type of attack, the Peruvians must be more united than ever, ”he noted.

The brochure found next to the corpses
The brochure found next to the corpses


Peruvian authorities reported on Monday that between 14 and 18 people died in an attack by the Shining Path in an area of ​​Satipo province which is part of the jungle valley of the Apurímac, Ene and Mantaro rivers (VRAEM ), where they move terrorist remains in alliance with drug trafficking.

Local media showed images of a brochure with the hammer and sickle symbol, and said that Villagers urged not to vote for Keiko Fujimori.

Pedro Castillo, who occupies the first place in the opinion polls, for his part condemned the “cowardly attack“From terrorists and urged”to justice to apply the full weight of the law“.

His party, Peru Libre, said that “condemns any terrorist act, such as that which occurred in the VRAEM“And stressed that” pre-election crimes in this area are unfortunately becoming a tradition with clear political goals in favor of the right “.

(With information from EFE)


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